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(profuse: very abundant; spending or giving freely; lavish; extravagant

He was embarrassed by the profuse praise he received.

Weeds become profuse where there is no natural ground cover.

He was so profuse in his spending that he is now a pauper.

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There was a profusion of babies in the delivery room.

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Q: How do you use the word profusion in a sentence?
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A sentence with the word profusion?

There is a profusion of questions about how to use words in sentences on this site.

How do you use profusion in a sentence?

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What is a sentence with profusion?

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Can you give me a sentence with profusion in it?

There will be a profusion of strawberries during April.

Can there be a sentence with the words profusion and sage in one sentence?

Yes, of course there can. Example:There was a profusion of litter blown into the sage bushes.He used a profusion of sage to season many of his dishes.

Put profusion in a sentence?

There has been a profusion of new laptops in the schools computer labs

What is the purpose of profusion?

Profusion is an abundance or large quantity of something. Some synonyms for the word profusion are plenty, abundance, affluence, wealth, and exuberance.

How do you use profusion in a sentces?

The profusion of gold in the Yukon was one of the main reasons of the huge immigration to Canada in the 19th century.

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The prefix of "profusion" is "pro-," which means "forward" or "in favor of."

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