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To usurp is to take or use something without the right to do so.

Example sentences:

It is wrong to usurp the computer connection from your brothers.

The general planned to usurp the powers of the elected government.

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7y ago

The word "usurpation" is the noun form of the verb "usurp. "

An example of a sentence using the word "usurpation" is

"The usurpation of the English throne had the support of the nobility, but not of the people. "

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Use usurp in a sentence?

This means to take over without any right. Here are some sentences.I think the king's advisor plans to usurp power.Don't try to usurp my seat!She's planning to usurp her neighbor's land.

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usrup is not a word. Most likely, it's a misspelling of 'usurp'. Definition of usurp is:

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