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Example sentence: This April Alabama was devastated by a series of powerful tornadoes.

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Q: How do you use tornadoes in a sentence?
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Use tornadoes in a compound sentence?

Example: The tornadoes damaged many homes, but nobody was hurt.

What are the nouns in this sentence Tornadoes are wicked storms?

The nouns are "tornadoes" and "storms"

What is the proper noun in this sentence Tornadoes are wicked storms?

There is no proper noun. Both nouns in the sentence ("tornadoes" and "storms") are common nouns.

What is a complex sentence about tornadoes?

Although tornadoes can be unpredictable in their path and intensity, meteorologists use radar technology to track and forecast their movement to help keep communities safe.

What is a sentence with the word tornadoes?

Tornadoes can cause severe damage and destruction to buildings and homes in a matter of seconds.

Can you make a sentence out of tornadoes and echoes?

Tornadoes howled through the town, leaving behind an eerie silence broken only by the echoes of destruction.

Does tornadoes use air pressure?

Yes they do

What should you use to protect against tornadoes?

Use a storm cellar.

What technology do meteorogists use to monitor tornadoes?

The most important tool in monitoring tornadoes is Doppler radar, which can detect tornadoes and the rotation that can cause them. They also use modern communication systems, which allows people to quickly relay eyewitness reports.

Is some people chase tornadoes past tense?

This sentence is present tense. The verb - chase - is present.Chasedis past. To make this sentence past change the verb to the past form:Some people chasedtornadoes.

What is an important use of a Doppler radar?

The track precipitation and tornadoes

What do you need to track tornadoes?

Meteorologists use doppler radar as well as eyewitness reports from storm spotters and law enforcement to track tornadoes