

Declarative and Interrogative Sentences

Declarative sentences state a fact such as such as "The table is round." Interrogative sentences ask questions such as "Where have you been?"

1,237 Questions

What does a star mean at the end of a sentence?

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A star at the end of a sentence could indicate a footnote, citation, or a reference to additional information. It is typically used to draw attention to supplemental content related to the original text.

Is a fern reproduces through spores a declarative?

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Yes, a fern reproduces through spores. Sporangia on the underside of the fronds release spores that develop into gametophytes, eventually leading to the production of new fern plants.

What do the mud deposits of the deltas from?

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Mud deposits in deltas come from the erosion and transport of sediments from upstream sources like rivers and streams. These sediments, including clay, silt, and sand, are carried by water and deposited at the delta's mouth due to reduced flow velocity. Over time, the accumulation of these deposits helps build and extend the delta landforms into the sea.

What is a sentence for dunes?

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The sandy dunes stretched as far as the eye could see along the coastline.

What is an answer to an evidence based question called?

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An answer to an evidence-based question is called a conclusion or recommendation, based on the analysis of relevant research studies and evidence.

What is an example sentence of a word meadow?

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The oxen lay in the meadow after grazing it when he was hungry.

The room smelled like a warm, spring meadow after the rain.

The meadow was covered in dew and tulips danced in the morning wind.

What are the uses and functions of viscosity pipette?

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A viscosity pipette is used to measure the flow rate of a liquid, which is influenced by its viscosity. This measurement is valuable in various industries such as food, pharmaceuticals, and petroleum to ensure quality control of products. The viscosity pipette helps determine the consistency of a substance and aids in achieving desired properties in the final product.

What is a declarative sentence in natural order?

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A declarative sentence in natural order is a statement that provides information or expresses a fact. It typically follows the subject-verb-object word order in English, where the subject comes before the verb and the object (if present) comes after the verb.

What is the function of beaker?

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A beaker is a cylindrical container used for holding, mixing, and heating liquids in a laboratory setting. It is commonly used for measuring and pouring liquids during experiments. Beakers are not as precise as laboratory glassware like graduated cylinders, but they are versatile tools for a variety of basic lab tasks.

Why do water boil faster in a cloudy day than a non cloudy day?

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Water actually boils faster on a sunny day because the air temperature is typically higher which helps speed up the boiling process. Cloud cover can actually block some of the sun's rays, which can reduce the overall temperature and slow down the boiling of water.

Function of dropper?

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A dropper is used to dispense small, precise amounts of liquid. It is often used in laboratories for transferring liquids in controlled volumes. Droppers can also be used in medical settings for administering medications in accurate doses.

Does armour give shielding against EMI in cables?

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Yes, armor on cables can provide some level of shielding against electromagnetic interference (EMI) by grounding any external electromagnetic interference that the cable may pick up. However, for more effective EMI shielding, additional specialized shielding materials like foil or braided shielding may be needed along with proper grounding techniques.

Concerning a horary question a question pops in your mind but you're not sure when it occured does it matter if you decide to use as the moment when you had the intention of converting it to a questio?

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In horary astrology, the moment when the question fully forms in your mind is crucial because it is believed to set the chart for interpreting the answer. If you're uncertain about when the question occurred, it's best to go with the moment when it was fully realized or committed to being asked for the most accurate interpretation. Your intention to convert it into a question can be a good reference point if the actual moment is unclear.

What are the Examples of symptomatic questions?

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Symptomatic questions are those that reveal underlying assumptions or beliefs. Examples include "Why do you always do that?" and "Don't you think you're being unfair?" These questions often imply judgment or criticism, leading to deeper discussions about attitudes or values.

Is the sentence don and rsquot walk on the clean floor with those dirty feet declarative imperative interrogative or exclamatory?

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The sentence "Don't walk on the clean floor with those dirty feet" is an imperative sentence because it gives a command or instruction, in this case, telling someone not to walk on the clean floor with dirty feet.

Is this sentence a declarative interrogative imperative or exclamatory Have you ever been sent to the principal's office?

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The sentence "Have you ever been sent to the principal's office?" is an interrogative sentence because it is asking a question.

What do call a sentence that tells you about something?

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That type of sentence is called a declarative sentence. It states a fact or provides information about a subject.

What is the following sentence as declarative interrogative imperative or exclamatory. What is his name again?

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This sentence is interrogative. It is asking a question about someone's name.

What is the effect of declarative sentences?

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Declarative sentences make statements or express facts. They are used to convey information, share opinions, or describe events in a straightforward manner. They typically end with a period and do not ask a question or give a command.

How can you tell if a sentence is declarative?

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A declarative sentence makes a statement or expresses an opinion. It typically ends with a period and is structured in a subject-verb-object format. It does not pose a question or give a command.

What are common mistakes in writing declarative sentences?

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Common mistakes in writing declarative sentences include run-on sentences, lack of subject-verb agreement, and incorrect punctuation usage. It's important to make sure each sentence conveys a clear and complete thought to avoid confusion for the reader.

What are examples of analyzing questions?

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Examples of analyzing questions include: "What are the key factors influencing this trend?" "How does this data support our hypothesis?" "What patterns can we identify in this set of information?" "What are the implications of this finding for our project?"

What is declarative statment?

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A declarative statement is a type of sentence that makes a statement or expresses an opinion. It typically provides information or declares a fact without seeking a response from the listener or reader. It is the most common type of sentence used in writing and everyday communication.

How do you change interrogatative to exclamatory?

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To change an interrogative sentence to an exclamatory sentence, you need to modify the punctuation. For example, changing "Where are you going?" to "Where are you going!" adds emphasis and excitement to the statement using an exclamation mark instead of a question mark.