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Q: How do you usually use the energy stored in plants?
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What do plants do with stored starch?

They use it for respiration to release energy.

What does plants use starch for?

stored energy

What energy do plants use to produce their food?

Photosynthesis is the process used by plants to convert light energy, usually in the form of solar energy from the sun, into chemical energy that is stored in carbohydrate molecules.

Where does the energy come from that drives cell metabolism?

Plants and some algae get their energy from the Sun. Most other living beings (including us humans) get their energy from plants. Energy is stored as chemical energy, which we use. Plants use chemical energy, too, as energy storage.Plants and some algae get their energy from the Sun. Most other living beings (including us humans) get their energy from plants. Energy is stored as chemical energy, which we use. Plants use chemical energy, too, as energy storage.Plants and some algae get their energy from the Sun. Most other living beings (including us humans) get their energy from plants. Energy is stored as chemical energy, which we use. Plants use chemical energy, too, as energy storage.Plants and some algae get their energy from the Sun. Most other living beings (including us humans) get their energy from plants. Energy is stored as chemical energy, which we use. Plants use chemical energy, too, as energy storage.

Where is the energy stored when plants convert light energy into energy that plants can use?

In chemical bonds, in the molecule that we call Sugar.

Where do plants get energy to make starch?

Plants use photosynthesis to convert sunlight into usable energy, stored in ATP, NADPH, and glucose.

Name the energy transfer process plants use to convert the sun's energy into stored chemical energy?


What and how do organisms use sunlight energy trapped in plants?

This energy is stored in glucose. Plants synthesize many things using glucose energy. Other organisms consume plants basically

Why are plants energy converters?

Plants use photosynthesis to turn sunlight (radiant energy, light) into chemical energy, which is stored in organic compounds such as sugars, starches, and cellulose.

What happens to glucose produced to plants?

Plants use cellular respiration to harvest the energy stored in the molecular bonds of glucose

What do plants use the energy stored in glucose for?

They use it to make reactions with CO2 molecules to form the carbohydrates.

What process which is the opposite of photosynthesis enables plants to use the energy in food?

Respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis, and organisms use it to release the energy stored in food.