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To do voice chat you have to enable video chat. You can also enable a phone call from your chat window. These are your two current options.

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8y ago

Voice chat can be turned on via a microphone. The microphone enables us to chat on Gmail. The Hangouts is the application which enables chatting.

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How do you turn off voice chat on Gmail?

If you can press it!LOL sorry about that

Does voice chat or video chat cost in Gmail?

Voice chat costs in Gmail your credits. You can add credits worth money to your account. Video chat can be free of cost.

Are there affects on Gmail video or voice chat?

Gmail video and voice chat are of Good quality. You can try them if you have a good internet connection. Bad connection will lead to it's breakage of network.

What does call phone mean in Gmail chat menu?

Call phone is a feature to enable voice calling. It can be done via Gmail left pane. Gmail voice calling is not free and costs you money.

What are some hidden icons for gmail chat?

Gmail graphic icon are in gmail chat.

How can one turn on a desktop alert to indicate when they have new Gmail messages?

Gmail desktop notifications let you know when you have a new email or Chat message. In order to turn it one, click the gear icon, selecting settings, then turn on chat notification, and save.

How can you recover Gmail chat history?

Gmail Chat history is stored by Gmail. It is present in the individual chats of person. You can click on the contact to view the chat you had.

How do you use Gmail voice and chat mail?

Once you installed it, in the chat area, by your name, you should have a green camera. If your friends have the same sign then start chatting with them. In the chat it will have a tab that says video and more, press on start video chat or start voice chat. You then talk to each other by webcam.

You have Gmail can you chat with messenger?

instant messenger and gmail can not chat between them yet h

Can you see facebook chat text in Gmail?

No, you can't see facebook Chat text in Gmail. Gmail is a mailing service only. Thus it cannot link Facebook chat with it.

Are Google voice and Google talk the same thing?

Google Voice works for calling on mobile phone and also sending voice mail messages. Google Chat helps to talk online and video chat through Gmail, Orkut, iGoogle or Google+. Google Chat is free service while Google Voice requires to pay money for calling and massages.

How do you get to the Gmail chat room?

Gmail has no chat rooms like yahoo did. It can have simple group chat only. The group chat is also created by a single person.