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By requesting an absentee ballot.

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Q: How do you vote if you are not in the US when the Presidential election takes place?
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Can I vote in presidential election if I did not vote in Montana primary election?

Yes, you can still vote in the presidential election even if you did not vote in the Montana primary election. Primary elections and general elections are separate, and not voting in the primary does not disqualify you from voting in the general election.

When do you vote for president?

The next US presidential election will take place on 2012 November 6.

Does the president vote in a presidential election?


Do the electors vote and then they decide who gets the electoral vote for that state?

The electors in each state are elected by the popular vote in the presidential election and swear in advance to vote for the presidential candidate who wins the election in their state.

Which candidate received the majority of the popular vote in the presidential election of 2008?

Barack Obama won the Popular Vote in the 2008 Presidential Election by about 8,500,000 votes.

In pennsylania do you have to vote in the primary to vote in the presidential election?

No because my mom is not voting in the primary but still gets to vote in the presadential election.

How many Christians did not vote in 2008 election presidential election?

20 million

Did free blacks vote in the first presidential election?


What vote is the votes cast by individual voters in the presidential election?

popular vote

In which year were women first eligible to vote in a presidential election?

Women were first eligible to vote in a presidential election in 1920 with the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

What is the difference between U.S. presidential election and Indian presidential election?

us indian above 16 yrs are allowed to vote above 18 yrs are allowed to vote presidential elections prime mistrial elections elections held after 4 yrs elections held after 5yrs it takes more than 6 months for the results it takes less than 6 months for the results

Do you have to vote in off year primary in order to vote in November's non presidential election?

if you want to vote