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At 13 years old you are most likely to have no reason to not be able to pull your foreskin back. It sounds as though you have never been properly instructed on the way the foreskin works, so I will have to give you a brief explanation and give you a website that will help you further as well.

if you are not able to pull your foreskin back it is not a particular concern at your age although the time has come for you to do something about it. So long as the foreskin is tightly positioned over the glans penis you don't have to worry about cleaning under it nature takes care of that.Just rinse it of as far as you can comfortably pull it back However you are rapidly reaching an age where you will be using it for sexual purposes and to get the best out of that you will have to loosen it so that you can retract the foreskin all the way back past the glans i.e the knob or the heat of the penis which at present is hidden under the Rather too tight foreskin.

most cases tight foreskin can be resolved by gradually stretching the opening of the foreskin over a period of weeks . A topical corticosteroid cream (such as betamethasone or hydrocortisone) may be helpful if applied to the tightest part of the foreskin along with stretching.

6Otherwise just the use of warm water say in the shower or bath and a normal skin softening creme may also be helpful.

It may take you one or more months to stretch the foreskin enough to slide completely back and forth over the head of the penis. It all depends on the individual and how much time he spends working on it.

There are surgical options available that do not involve circumcision but these are used only in very unusual situations.

If any one suggests Circumcision rest the Idea as it is not only painful but has a risk of surgical complications decreased the sensitivity of the glans (head of the penis) as well as removing the prepuce itself which is a major erogenous zone. decreasing sexual pleasure and penile performance for you and your pardner..

To perform the stretching exercises, the tightest part of the foreskin should be gradually stretched. A finger can be placed into the opening and the tightest part of the foreskin should be stretched. You should stretch very gradually. If you feel any pain, you are stretching it too hard. Gentle stretching works better than more forceful stretching because it allows for the skin to grow and expand at a normal rate.

A topical corticosteroid cream used with stretching will make it easier. Betamethasone 0.05% cream is available with a prescription from the doctor. Using betamethasone with stretching is highly effective. If you are unable to see a doctor to get a prescription, hydrocortisone 1.0% cream is available without a prescription. It will not be as effective as betamethasone, but it will be more effective than stretching alone.

The cream should be applied to the tightest part of the foreskin, inside and out, while you are stretching. You can also apply additional cream before or after stretching as well. If the cream irritates the penis head, you should cut back on its use. Some redness or soreness is normal in the foreskin during the stretching process, but pain means you are stretching too aggressively.

You should apply the cream every time you stretch, and you should stretch for at least 15 minutes twice a day. The longer you spend stretching each day, the faster the process will go. Some men stretch more than 30 minutes twice a day. Some men also make a point of stretching during masturbating as well.

Once you start you will not see results right away. Don't get discouraged. Just keep stretching everyday and applying the cream.

Recent medical studies have shown this approach works within 90% of cases within three months. For the few cases where this does not work, surgical treatments are available that can expand the tight part of the foreskin without removing the foreskin as is done in circumcision.

As always, it's a good idea to see a doctor, but if you don't have access to health care or are too embarrassed to discuss it, then this method is a good way to start.

Finally here are a few IMPORTANT words of CAUTION:

1) Do not attempt to force back the foreskin of an infant or child. It is normal for the foreskin of infants and children to remain over the head, in some cases even until puberty.

2) You should be careful not to force the foreskin back off the head so that it gets stuck retracted, and if the foreskin gets stuck behind the head and it is impossible to move it back down you should seek medical care immediately.

3) If you experience any pain or side effects from the cream, see a doctor.

you have got issue it.

As fro keeping it clean you simply pull back the foreskin as far as it wil go and wash it along with the rest of your body, it requires no special care, Remember however that the newly exposed glans are super sensitive and that is also normal and will ease of in time,

Go to the related links below for more information on the foreskin.

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Q: How do you wash the glans of your penis if you are intact as a 13 year old do you wash it erect or flaccid and how do you pull the foreskin back?
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What is forkskin?

It's foreskin, not forkskin. Foreskin is the skin that covers the glans penis (penis head). Every male is born with it, but it's sometimes removed by circumcision. The only countries in which the majority of the population are circumcised are USA and Israel. Jewish people circumcise their boys for religious reasons, while Americans do it by tradition. The foreskin protects the glans and keeps it healthy and shiny, while circumcision allows the glans to become tough and less sensitive. During sexual intercourse the foreskin bunches up stimulating the female g-spot while cushioning penis and the vagina from friction causes by the bare glans rubbing against the vulva. Most men with a foreskin can retract it at well, and some do this to urinate or masturbate. Most men's foreskin will retract by itself when the penis becomes erect. In this state intact, and circumcised penises look the same other than the frenulum on the intact penis. If you want to learn more, read the wikipedia article on the foreskin.

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By examination of the word 'long' one would assume the question is referring to a foreskin greater than average. Average foreskin covers the glans of the penis completely when soft. When erect average foreskin typically slides back and exposes some if not all of the glans. If a man has 'long' foreskin, by description alone it suggests that the foreskin is of a greater/longer amount than average. Some men with longer foreskins can have an erection with no exposure of the glans. In other cases the foreskin can be long enough to cover the glans during erection with excess at the tip. Typically the position of the foreskin is dependant upon the elasticity and size of the frenum, which attatches the foreskin to the underside of the glans. The more flexible and abundant the frenum is, the more likely the foreskin is able to slide up and down.

How do you know if your curcumsized?

Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin of the penis. If your penis does not have a foreskin (the skin that covers the glans of the penis when it is not erect), then you have been circumcised. Circumcision is common practice in the USA. In Europe the opposite holds true.

How do you know a male circumcised?

The male that has fallen victim to circumcision has no skin on his penis that can cover the glans at the top. The male with an intact penis will have a tube of skin that covers the glans penis, particularly when it is not erect.

What is the meaning of circumcision in the part of your BODY?

Circumcision is the amputation or removal if you like oft he prepuce or foreskin which covers the glans penis in normal intact men.

Does the foreskin cover the glans?

Yes. The foreskin or prepuce covers the glans penis. or at least is usualy does when the penis is flacid, sometimes they may be short showing more or less of the glans at all times.

What does the word foreskin mean?

The foreskin is a fold of skin that covers the head (glans) of the penis.

What does uncircumcision look like?

Uncircumcised penises have skin that covers the head (glans) of the penis when it is soft. This skin, called the foreskin, can slide back off the head. The foreskin usually slides back when a man's penis becomes erect. If the head of the penis always shows, even when the man is soft and not erect, then he is circumcised. If the penis head is covered when he is soft, then he is uncircumcised.

Is it saver to cut the foreskin?

No it is not. The foreskin (prepuce) is there to protect the glans of the penis from harm, In the first place it protects the sensitive glans from the constant rubing on clothing that is inevitable if it is not there. nerves on the glans of the penis have a loot to do with the degree of pleasure that can come from sex or masturbation, The foreskin itself also has an enormous amount of nerves designed to improve the pleasure of sex and make the sex act itself more pleasing for the woman. While the penis is flaccid the foreskin covers it completely which in turn protect you from microbial invasion from the outside. Circumcision Or male genital mutilation is a religious and or cultural rite. No modern medical organizations will recommend this procedure as it is in fact harmful. at this time about 15% to 20% of the men in the world have been mutilated in this manner While the majority are intact. In places where circumcision is commonly practiced there is also a thriving business in repairing the damage done to young penises by greedy doctors and and the Jewish and Muslim witch doctors authorized to inflict this on children.

What does a teenagers penis look like both cut and uncut?

Search Google Images for uncircumcised penis and circumcised penis. Uncircumcised men have their penis head covered with the foreskin when they are not erect while on circumcised the glans is always exposed.

What causes rashes after circumcision?

The glans are a very fine and sensitive part of the penis when the glans are exposed it will react. it is designed to be protected by the foreskin

What should an uncircumsiced penis look like?

That would depend on how much of the foreskin is cut of for starters you have to understand that the skin that cover the penis starts at the base and directly covers the shaft (the shaft skin) until it reaches to just behind the glans. After that it becomes lose from the penis starting with the section that is called the outer foreskin, This is the skin that you see from the outside covering the glans. then at the end of the outer foreskin at the tip of the penis you will find the ridged frenar band this is the part of the foreskin that pulls the foreskin in around the glans the frenar band is also the area where the erogenous nerve ending finish, After the frenar band the foreskin doubles bac under itself and at this point gains a fine cover of mucosal tissue where it is in contact with the mucosal tissue of the Glans this tissue reduces the need for lubricants both during sexual intercourse and masturbation the inner fore skin goes a small distance past the sulcus (where the glans join the shaft of the penis) the result is that an intact penis looks like it has the same skin from base to tip with the foreskin fitting snugly over the glans until it closes or nearly closes at the end. A partial circumcision would mean that the frenar band would be removed along with the associated nerves. And without the nerves there would be a lot of sensation lost. Then without the effect of the frenar band pulling the end of the foreskin together you would have a loose tube of skin hanging there that would retract or not as the situation at the time dictates. ..