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Shifting is all done on the left side of the bike. Your left hand works the clutch. Your left foot works the shifter. The shifter is geared up to a slotted barrel. When you push down it shifts down one gear at a time. And likewise when you lift up on the shifter with your foot it shifts up one gear. Most bikes have five gears. A few really fun bikes have six. Neutral is half way between first and second gear.

To start out from neutral, pull in the clutch lever with your left hand. Push down on the shifter with your left foot. Now slowly let out the clutch till the bike begins to move. Now slow down your release and give a little gas. Once your movement becomes stable you can release the clutch the rest of the way out. To shift into second, you pull the clutch in, pull up on the shifter with your left foot, and let the clutch out with your left hand again. Next you push your right fore arm under the throttle while gently gripping it with your right hand and expose your teeth and open your eyes wide.

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Assuming it has a clutch, the following manual method should work. 1. Switch the ignition on, put the bike in first gear, and hold the clutch in. 2. Push the bike along or roll it down a hill till you are at about running speed. 3. Carefully let out the clutch, the engine should start. Alternativly you can use jumpleads and another bike to jumpstart it using the battery of the second bike. I don't recommend you use a car unless the battery sizes are similar.

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