

How do you work out watts for solar power?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Answer You need the Voltage and the amps it can supply then use the magic triangle formula that is Watt = Amps X Volts say 400mA 12 volt that will work out to .4X12 = 4.8 watt

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Q: How do you work out watts for solar power?
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Solar panels can make enough watts to power your whole house if you have enough of them. Some solar panels will generate 50 watts, 80 watts or 120 watts.

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Work and Time; Power = Work/Time

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The power required is(6) times (the amperes of current the radio draws when it operates) watts.

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watts are equal to amps times volts.

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Power=work over time = watts(W)

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To calculate the power used it is necessary to add up the power requirement: typical power values would be solar fans 0, fridge 20 watts average, lighting 200 watts, cooker up to 3000 watts, heater up to 3000 watts, mobile charger 3 watts, TV 150 watts. Solar panels of around 1.2 metres by 1 metre produce about 220 watts in maximum conditions, or about 15 watts out of direct sunlight. So without the heater or cooker a couple of panels should do it on a sunny day, otherwise add 15 panels for the cooker OR the heater.

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MWe stands for Mega Watts electricity

What can you move by using solar power?

you can move just about anything with the right solar technology, as long as you have enough watts, and a converter anything is possible.

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Power which is given in watts

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Solar power stations work by using a series of solar cells to convert energy from the Sun into electricity. It is then stored in batteries or transferred to the power grid.

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it works by solar power solar energy.