

Best Answer

In MLA with more than one author:

First author's last name, First name Middle name and Second author's first name and last name. Book title. City {include state, province, or country abbreviation if city is not well known}: Publisher, year published.

In APA with more than one author:

First author's last name, First initial. Middle initial., & Second author's last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year published). Book title (pp. start page-end page of specific reference {or p. page number if referencing a single page}). City {include state, province, or country if city is not well known}: Publisher.

I hope that helps!

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Q: How do you write a citation if the book was written by several people?
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How do you write a book citation?

two words, noodle tools you can create a profile and use it anywhere it creates the citation format for you and you just have to fill in the info, good luck.

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