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Stacy stole silver spoons.
Stacy swam seven seas.
Stacy secretly snuck Sylvester's sable.

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Q: How do you write a descriptive sentence using alliteration with the name Stacey?
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What is a sentence using the word alliteration?

Alliteration is hard.

How do you write a alliteration with launch?

First, you learn what alliteration is. Then, you think of "launch" and how you would use it in a sentence. Then you write a sentence using "launch" and an alliteration of it.

How could you use tugboat in a sentence for alliteration?

An example of using the word tugboat in a sentence for alliteration is: Tony's tugboat turned over.

An alliteration sentence using w?

Whiny Whitney wandered wildy while whining

What is an alliteration sentence using the word consider?

Charlie considers consequences choosing to conquer chile.

What is alliterative sentence of river?

When you use alliteration, you repeat certain sounds, which can give the sentence a smoother flow when read aloud, or makes the sentence more memorable to the reader. For example: The Red River rolled lazily across the rocks. I am repeating the R sound, and thus using alliteration in that sentence.

What is an example of a descriptive sentence using the word observe?

I want to observe the behavior of humpback whales.

What is a good descriptive sentence using the word waste?

Justin Bieber's music is equivalent to waste.

What is an alliteration sentence for kind?

Since alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sound in words,an alliterative sentence using "kind" could be "The kind cop climbed the cottonwood and captured the kitten". Note that it is the sound, not the spelling, which alliterates.

can you give me an alliteration using W?

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What is a descriptive sentence using the word adorable?

Here is a descriptive sentence with the word "adorable":Peaches the Poodle stared at me with her bright, hazel-coloured eyes with such friendliness and affection - you just can't have a dog more adorable than that.

Sentence using alliteration word example marching men?

Peter Piper Picked A Pack Of Pickeld Pepers