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Sample letter: Dear ..sick person name..., I write briefly to let you know that I will continue to keep you in my prayers following your recent sickness. I am happy to hear that the you getting well, and trust that your healing will be steady and progressive in the days and months ahead. Life is particularly challenging during these times as we all have been in the position of having things going well, and then something happens like this to remind us the real value of life. Feel better, smile, and keep up your spirits. You are great, and that’s all that matters. Sincerely, .. sender Name...

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Q: How do you write a letter of support to a sick person?
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Writing a letter to ask for donations for a sick person can be difficult. The best thing to do is explain the situation and approach local businesses and churches. There are websites that have templates to help write letters such as this.

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When writing a letter requesting sick leave, make sure to include the dates of the sickness, the reason for your leave, and when you anticipate returning. You will probably need a doctor's note to support your sick leave.

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An appeal letter written to ask for a postponement of an exam should be written in a clear, concise manner. It should list things like the date the letter was written, the reason for the delay, and a signature.

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If you are sick you should write an excuse letter for your employer. The letter should include a copy of the note from the doctor and the time you will be absent from work.

What do you say to support a sick person?

that u may not feal what she or he going true but u will always be there for them