

Best Answer

DIM grade(6), lowGrade(5), testName$(6), seq$(6)

seq$(1) = "first "

seq$(2) = "second"

seq$(3) = "third "

seq$(4) = "fourth"

seq$(5) = "fifth "

grLetter$ = "ABCD"


COLOR 7, 0


PRINT "Test averaging program"

PRINT "======================"


PRINT "Lets enter some basic info before we get started .."


FOR ix% = 1 TO 4

PRINT "enter a number (1-100) that you consider to be the lowest "; MID$(grLetter$, ix%, 1);

INPUT lowGrade(ix%)

PRINT STRING$(78, "-")

NEXT ix%


COLOR 7, 0


LINE INPUT "Enter student name or / to end program: "; name$

IF name$ = "/" THEN




LINE INPUT "Enter student age : "; age$

age% = VAL(age$)

PRINT STRING$(78, "=")

FOR ix% = 1 TO 5

PRINT "Enter the subject name for the "; seq$(ix%); " test: ";

LINE INPUT testName$(ix%)

LINE INPUT "Enter the grade for this test (1-100): "; grade$

grade(ix%) = VAL(grade$)

PRINT STRING$(78, "-")

NEXT ix%



COLOR 7, 0


GOSUB computeAverage

PRINT "Test Average Report for "; name$


PRINT "Age is "; age$

IF (age% >= 25) = 0 THEN

COLOR 6, 0

PRINT " ** Student is underage **"


COLOR 7, 0

stuGrade = average

GOSUB determineAthruF

PRINT "Test average is";

PRINT USING "###.##"; average

PRINT "This is a grade of "; grade$

IF grade$ = "F" THEN

COLOR 4, 0

PRINT "** Student did not pass **"


COLOR 7, 0


PRINT "Test Summary (those in ";

COLOR 4, 0

PRINT "red";

COLOR 7, 0

PRINT " are failing)"


FOR ix% = 1 TO 5

COLOR 7, 0

stuGrade = grade(ix%)

GOSUB determineAthruF

rptName$ = SPACE$(25)

MID$(rptName$, 1) = testName$(ix%)

IF grade$ = "F" THEN

COLOR 4, 0


PRINT rptName$, grade$,

PRINT USING "###.##"; stuGrade

NEXT ix%

COLOR 7, 0


LINE INPUT "Do you wish to average another student (Y/N) "; yn$

yn$ = UCASE$(yn$)

IF yn$ = "Y" THEN

GOTO enterTests




total = 0

FOR ix% = 1 TO 5

total = total + grade(ix%)

NEXT ix%

average = total / 5



IF stuGrade >= lowGrade(4) THEN

grade$ = "D"

IF stuGrade >= lowGrade(3) THEN

grade$ = "C"

IF stuGrade >= lowGrade(2) THEN

grade$ = "B"

IF stuGrade >= lowGrade(1) THEN

grade$ = "A"





grade$ = "F"



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Q: How do you write a program in qbasic to input marks of 10 students in 5 subjects and display the average of each students?
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How do you write a c program that computes results of 10 students for any given 4 subjects grading their results from a A to U?


Write a c program to generate student mark details using union and find total and average and grade?

write a c program to display marks,total,average,grade using union

How do you write a program in C that will captures details The details to be captured are student name mark and age The program should calculate and display the average marks for all the students?

Create a data structure to store the details for each student: typedef struct student_t { char name[30]; unsigned age; unsigned mark; } student; Establish an array to store the student data: size_t max = 100; // replace 100 with the actual number of students student students[max]; Use a loop to enter the data: for (size_t i=0; i<max; ++i) { printf ("Student name: "); scanf ("%s", students[i].name); printf ("Student age: "); scanf ("%u", students[i].age); printf ("Student mark: "); scanf ("%u", students[i].mark); } Calculate and display the average mark: unsigned sum = 0; for (size_t i=0; i<max; ++i) sum += student[i].mark; printf ("Average mark: %d\n", sum / max_students);

How do you start the display program in Linux from the command line?

the command "display" brings up the ImageMagick program.

How do you get a Java program to display a backslash in output without it interpreting it as a program command?

Follow the backslash with another backslash: System.out.println("\\ " \"); will display \ " \ on the screen.

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