

Best Answer



class A



A(std::string desc,double price):m_desc(desc),m_price(price){}

A(const A& rhs):m_desc(rhs.m_desc),m_price(rhs.m_price){}

A& operator= (const A& rhs){ m_desc=rhs.m_desc; m_price=rhs.m_price; }

const bool operator== (const A& rhs) const { return(m_desc==rhs.m_desc && m_price==rhs.m_price);}

const bool operator!= (const A& rhs) const { return(m_desc!=rhs.m_desc && m_price!=rhs.m_price);}

static void compare(const A& a, const A& b);

friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const A& rhs);


double m_price;

std::string m_desc;


std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const A& rhs)





void A::compare(const A& a, const A& b)


if ( a==b )


// else if ( a!=b )



int main()


A a("Knife", 1.89);

A b("Fork", 1.99);

A c("Fork", 2.99);

A d(a);






std::cout<<"\nBoolean operator results:\n"<










Knife ($1.89)

Fork ($1.99)

Fork ($2.99)

Knife ($1.89)

Boolean operator results:

Knife ($1.89) is not the same as Fork ($1.99)

Knife ($1.89) is not the same as Fork ($2.99)

Knife ($1.89) is the same as Knife ($1.89)

Knife ($1.89) is not the same as Knife ($1.89)

Fork ($1.99) is not the same as Fork ($2.99)

Fork ($1.99) is not the same as Knife ($1.89)

Fork ($2.99) is not the same as Knife ($1.89)

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Q: How do you write a program to demonstrate boolean operators in C plus plus?
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