

How do you write about an article?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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8y ago

Best Answer
1. Keep an idea list.

When inspiration for an article strikes, scribble it down in a notebook or a word file. For many writers and content creators, finding the topic to write about takes up half the time. Keeping an idea list lets you leap in to a new post quickly when you're ready to write.

2. Let your ideas incubate.

If you try to force yourself to come up with supporting information for your brilliant idea right away, it's going to take ages. Let that topic sit for a few days, though, and you can add new ideas as they occurs to you - and when you're ready to write, you'll already have all the supporting info you need.

3. Edit before you start

You've probably got twice as many ideas as you need at this point, so it's time to be brutal. Cut out any supporting idea that doesn't fit with the main topic of the article. Remember we are writing an article not an epic. You can always use the ideas you don't need for later articles.

4. Use bullet points

Bullet points, can make writing an article a lot simpler in terms of organization because you no longer have to figure out transitions from one idea to the next. The great side benefit is that readers like lists; they're easier for the eye to follow.

5. Keep it short

Try to keep it under 500 words. Don't feel like you're skimping on quality content, either: this article is only about 500 words but it's chockfull of information. Make every word count and you'll save time without letting quality slip.

6. Come back later

If you find that you're stuck, don't try to force the words to come. Save the article and work on something else for awhile. If inspiration strikes, open up that document again.

7. Never save a good idea

It's tempting, when you look through your list of ideas, to save the best ones for later because you think they'll be easier to write. You don't want to save time later, you want to save time now. Do the articles you know will come easily and make the most of that time.

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