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Just change the font type, some fonts are cursive, some fonts are straight up pointless (WingDings).

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Q: How do you write fancy letters on a computer?
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How do you write numerals on the computer?

with the keyboard letters

Is there a way to know how to make fancy letters and designs on a computer?

Hope i made sense o_o

Can you write letters on the computer?

By using the keyboard to type in characters

What is a font type?

A font type is the measure of the letters typed on a computer. It also includes the look of the letters and the script type.

What is a scripe?

its when you write fancy

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Goblet is a six letter word for a fancy cup.

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How do you write my name fancy?

mithun naidu.

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Anything you fancy.

How do you make a computer out of paper?

fold your paper in half, write the letters and everything.Then draw your screen saver,thenyour done