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Some examples include:

1) Guild reputation tabards from the guild vendor

2) Heirloom items for alts obtained from vendors

3) Heirloom helms and cloaks obtained from the guild vendor

4) Shoulder and Head enchants from reputation vendors

5) Equippable items created with the Archaeology profession

6) Certain special pets and mounts obtained from the Blizzard store, promotions or in-game events.

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Q: How do you you get things that bind to your account on wow?
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You can purchase a WOW account on the Internet from a website that sells it or from a person that is selling their WOW account. ArmoryBids, and Buymmoaccounts are two good websites that sells WOW accounts.

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I have a account i can have yeah

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Technically, yes, but it would be better to download the whole thing if you have a regular wow account. The trial client is a streaming client, meaning that not everything is on your computer. It will be a lot slower, laggy, and things will take even longer than they normally do to load.

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To download WOW MOP you must have a WOW account and the expansion purchased. After that all you do is login to, go to account page, select your account, then click install wow client on the right plane.

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Go to the official site linked below. Create an account. Add WoW or a WoW trial to your list of games. Download client. Log on with your account, and create your character.

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A World of Warcraft account is a account that has World of Warcraft activated on it.

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No you cannot, Wow will only allow you to log onto 1 character per account , at a time.

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No you cannot, Wow will only allow you to log onto 1 character per account , at a time.

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Once you have merged your WoW account with your username and password is the same as your username and password. For example my username is now my email address "*********" and my password is the same as my old wow password which you can change at any time at the website.

Does bow wow have a MySpace account?

yes he does

What methods are available for a person to legally sell a WOW account?

World of Warcraft (WOW) is a very popular online game. While it may be considered "legal" to sell a WOW account, it is against the WOW Terms of Service listed on the official website.

I canceled my WoW account so how do i reinstall WoW back onto my computer?

Installing World of Warcraft (which is the client-side game) and the account (which allows you to play on the server) are two different things. If you have the CD, you can install the program from the CD. Otherwise, if your plan is to start playing again, you will need to log into your account and reactivate it for play. Then you also have the option of downloading the game from your account, online.