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scout gains a new respect for aunt alexandra because of her show of gratitude toward miss maudie when they had never really been close.

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1mo ago

Alexandra treats Scout with condescension and criticism, often trying to impose her views on how a young lady should behave onto Scout. She believes in strict rules and traditional gender roles, which leads to conflicts with Scout's independent and tomboyish nature. Despite her efforts to influence Scout, Alexandra ultimately fails to understand her niece fully.

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13y ago

Because she wants scout to act like the girl that she is.

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What are aunt Alexandra's and Scout's understandings of each other?

Aunt Alexandra views Scout as lacking in feminine qualities and proper behavior, while Scout sees Aunt Alexandra as strict and old-fashioned. Over time, they both come to understand and appreciate each other's strengths and differences.

What evidence is there that scout was beginning to change her opinion about her aunt Alexandra?

Scout's changing opinion about her Aunt Alexandra is seen when Scout begins to notice her aunt's sensitivity and vulnerability. There is a shift in their relationship as Scout starts to understand her aunt better and empathize with her perspective and concerns. This change is evidenced by Scout's growing acceptance of Aunt Alexandra's presence in the household and her willingness to adhere to some of her aunt's expectations.

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Francis is the cousin of Jem and Scout. He is the son of Aunt Alexandra and therefore a relative of the Finch family.

Who is Alexandra from To Kill a Mockingbird?

Alexandra Finch Hancock is Atticus Finch's sister in Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird." She comes to live with the Finch family to provide a motherly influence for Scout. Alexandra is traditional, proper, and concerned with upholding the family's reputation in the community.

Why does aunt Alexandra usually regret asking scout to come in and say hello to a visitor?

Aunt Alexandra regrets asking Scout to greet visitors because Scout tends to speak her mind honestly and without filter, which can be embarrassing or inappropriate in social situations. Alexandra values polite manners and the preservation of the family's reputation, which Scout's directness may jeopardize.

Who took Scout go the pageant?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout was taken to the pageant by Jem and Aunt Alexandra.

In To Kill a Mockingbird why do scout and Alexandra communicate poorly?

Scout and Alexandra communicate poorly due to their differing personalities and values. Scout is young, curious, and independent-minded, while Alexandra is traditional, strict, and set in her ways. This generation gap, along with their differing views on race and gender roles, creates tension and difficulties in their communication.

Who gives Scout advice on being a lady?

Aunt Alexandra

Is Scout excited when she finds out Aunt Alexandra is going to stay?


When does Alexandra come to Maycomb?

to help make a lady of Scout

Who is Jem and Scout's aunt in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'?

Aunt Alexandra

Who comes and stays with scout and Jem?

Aunt alexandra was staying with them!