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Q: How does Alice get word to the others about what's happening to her?
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It can be "Whats up", "Holla", "Whats happening", "Sup Homie"' or "Sup dog"

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An ultimatum is a demand that must be met within a specified timeframe. This demand is backed up by a threat of something happening if the demand is not met.

What is a sentence with the word happening?

The answer is: "how is this happening"?

What is another word for happening quickly?

Another word for "Happening Quickly" is "Speedily"!

Which word does not describe Melinda Alice from the three wishes story!?

"Greedy" does not describe Melinda Alice from the three wishes story because she selflessly wishes for the well-being of others instead of solely focusing on personal gain.

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The word happening has 3 syllables. Hap-pe-ning.

wHaTs YoUr FaVoRiTe WoRd To SaY!! ;) mines is " thats whats up?

"tahst whats up" lol -_- ;)

What is an example of an exclamatory sentence using the word happening?

This is an example of an exclamatory sentence using the word happening!

What is another word for happening or event?

happenAlso occur or two words ...will be

Que pasa in english?

Hey there, my love. How is it going with you is an English equivalent of 'Hola, mi amor. ¿Qué te pasa?'. The words in Spanish are pronounced 'OH-lah mee ah-MOHR keh the PAH-sah'.In the word by word translation, the interjection 'hola'means 'hi, hello'. The possessive 'mi' means 'my'. The masculine noun 'amor' means 'love'. The interrogative 'qué' means 'what'. The personal pronoun 'te' means 'you'. The verb 'pasa' means '[he/she/it] does happen, happens, is happening'.