

Best Answer
  1. In 1889 the Department of Agriculture was created to show farmers how to improve and modernize their agricultural methods. This Department was elevated to cabinet-level status.
  2. The Morrill Act aided Northern states by granting them millions of acres of federal land to establish state-operated colleges of agriculture.
  3. The Homestead Act gave land to those who were willing to farm it.
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Q: How does American farm policy attempt to stabilize farm prices?
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The purpose of the AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act) New Deal program was to address the agricultural crisis during the Great Depression. It aimed to raise crop prices by reducing production, providing subsidies to farmers, and implementing measures to stabilize agricultural markets. The program was intended to improve farmers' incomes and stabilize the agricultural industry as a whole.

How does the federal government attempt to stabilize farm prices?

Under the program of price supports, Congress establishes a support price for a particular crop. In order to avoid large surpluses every year, the government has adopted the idea of acreage allotment, acreage restriction. When a crop has been overproduced and large surpluses threaten to lower prices, the government turns to marketing quotas, marketing limits.

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Business insurance prices can vary depending on the policy limits. We would be happy to work with you to see what your needs are and if we have a policy that works for you.