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Anorexia does not change how the kidneys are positioned.

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Q: How does Anorexia nervosa change the position of the kidneys?
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Is amenorrhea a result of anorexia?

Severe weight loss or continued starvation can lead to a significant change in the menstrual cycle which can subsequently lead to the loss of the female's period.

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Is anorexia an infectious disease?

Anoriexia is not a virus or bacteria, so it will not spread like the flu would, for example. Sitting near someone who is an anorexic does not mean that you will catch it, as you might do so with a cold. However, it can influence you. This means that being with someone who is anorexic might begin to alter how you think about your body and food and weight, causing you to maybe consider anorexia when you woukdn't normally have even really thought much about it. In this sense, it can "spread" by the inflencung of others. [But this answer is making an assumption: that by "anorexia" you mean "anorexia nervosa". The latter is an eating disorder and people often refer to it as just anorexia. However, anorexia simply means lack of appetite, which can occur from a virus or many other illnesses. Chicken pox, for example, causes anorexia. Because people confuse that with the eating disorder, the get the impression that you can "catch" anorexia nervosa. You can't. If people stop using the wrong name for the eating disorder, this would be less confusing.]

Where in your body is the change in salt concentration detected?

the kidneys

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Movement is a change in position

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The change in an objects position is called motion.

Motion is a change in?

Motion is the change in an object's position.

Continuous change in position is called?

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What is sports anorexia?

Sports anorexia is a type of anorexia (not an official diagnosis, however). With it, individuals with present typical signs of anorexia including a severely restricted diet and weight loss, but there is also signs of extreme exercise or sports. This contributes to weight loss, but can change the appearance of what some might think of as a "typical" anorexic (very thin, bones, emaciated....though this is incorrect because anorexia can exist at a variety of weights).

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no its speed that definds the rate change of position

What is a common form of anorexia treatment?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a common form of anorexia treatment. This therapy's goal is to change the unreal vision of the patient while restructuring a normal eating pattern.

What is an object's overall change in position called?

Displacement is the overall change in position