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Q: How does Antony's speech at the end of scene 1 reveal his true feelings about the assassin's?
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Romeo hears Juliet speaking about her love for him to herself, which prompts him to reveal his presence. Juliet is expressing her feelings and longing for Romeo, unaware that he is listening nearby.

What is a soliloque?

A soliloquy is a speech given by a character in a play when they are alone on stage, expressing their thoughts and feelings to the audience. It is a dramatic device often used to reveal a character's innermost thoughts and motivations.

What do you call a speech in a play where the character expresses their feelings but no other character can hear or acknowledge that they can hear?

A soliloquy is a speech in a play where a character expresses their thoughts and feelings aloud, even though no other character can hear them or respond. It is typically used to provide insight into the character's inner thoughts and motivations.

What is a pantomime?

The act of conveying emotions, actions, and feelings without speech.

How do you identify if it is a declamation piece?

To identify a declamation piece, the speech must be with feelings. It refers to the act of reciting a speech that inspires others.

What is the orgin of freudian slip?

He noticed that while psychoanalyzing patients, they would on occasion make an error in speech that would reveal something unconscious.

What aspects of griswold's speech reveal his perspective?

Griswold's speech may reveal his perspective through his choice of words, tone, and examples he uses. It can also be reflected in the way he frames the issues, the emphasis he places on certain points, and the solutions he proposes. Additionally, his body language and demeanor while delivering the speech may hint at his underlying beliefs and values.

What is the difference between a monolog and a soliloquy?

A monologue is a speech given by one character to others in a play or performance, while a soliloquy is a speech given by a character alone on stage, expressing their inner thoughts and feelings to the audience. Soliloquies are a way for characters to reveal their true emotions and motivations.

What does Jackson's 1828 speech reveal about constitutional government in America?

The Constitution equally favors agriculture, commerce, and manufacturing.