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She has hot flushes and feels very strongly for the judge.

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Q: How does Aunt Alexandra act after the case in To Kill a Mockingbird?
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What was discovered on the Finch back porch the morning after the trial in the book called To Kill a Mockingbird?

Jem's broken arm and Scout's torn and altered costume were discovered on the Finch back porch the morning after the trial in To Kill a Mockingbird.

What did you learn about Aunt Alexandra after Calpurnia left with Atticus?

In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," after Calpurnia leaves with Atticus, we learn that Aunt Alexandra is a traditional and strict woman who values family reputation and social status. She and Atticus have different approaches to parenting, with Alexandra believing in upholding the family name through adherence to societal norms. Her presence highlights the contrast between her beliefs and Atticus's more liberal and empathetic outlook.

What are the external conflicts in To Kill a Mockingbird?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," external conflicts include the racism and prejudice faced by Atticus Finch as he defends Tom Robinson in court, the societal pressure and judgment faced by the Finch family for their beliefs and actions, and the physical and verbal threats made against Atticus and his children due to their association with the case.

What does aunt Alexandra say to atticus after the verdict?

Aunt Alexandra tells Atticus that as much as she respects him for defending Tom Robinson, his actions have brought disgrace on the family. She reveals her disappointment in his decision to take on the case and expresses her belief that he should not have defended a black man.

Is To Kill a Mockingbird in the public domain?

No it is not. To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1960. For all works published prior to 1964 the length of copyright is 95 years (assuming the copyright was renewed, which in this case it was.) So To Kill a Mockingbird will enter the public domain in 2056.

What traits are most admirable in Atticus in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Agreeing to take on Tom robinson's case

In To Kill A Mockingbird how did Atticus's case with his first two clients change himself as a lawyer?

The haverfords

Does Atticus Finch die at the end of to kill a mockingbird?

No, Atticus Finch does not die at the end of "To Kill a Mockingbird." The novel ends with Atticus sitting by Scout's bed after she falls asleep, signifying the end of the story.

Where is the only place that men are equal in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Court is the only place where all men are to be considered equal in To Kill a Mockingbird. Jurors were supposed to judge Tom Robinson's case on facts rather than race.

Who is the prosecuter in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The prosecutor in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is Mr. Gilmer. He represents the state in the case against Tom Robinson, accusing him of assaulting Mayella Ewell.

Who is the Third witness called to the stand in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The third witness called to the stand in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is Mayella Ewell. She is a key character in the trial of Tom Robinson, providing important testimony that shapes the outcome of the case.

Why did jem think the case is won at the end of chapter 17 in to kill a mockingbird?

Jem thinks the case is won at the end of Chapter 17 in "To Kill a Mockingbird" because he believes Atticus has convinced the jury with his powerful closing argument. Jem is optimistic and trusts in his father's abilities as a lawyer.