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Q: How does Brian solve the problem of finding enough fish to eat from hachet?
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What challenges did brian face in the hachet?

i dont know

Why does Brian start to feel hopeless in hachet?

he was alone and there was nothing for him..

What happened to Brian after the moose attacked him in hachet?

Roaring a tornado that flipped him out of his shelter

Where did Brian in the book Hatchet get his Hachet?

Where did Brian in the book Hatchet get his Hatchet

What is hachet about?

"Hatchet" is a young adult novel by Gary Paulsen about a boy named Brian who survives a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness and must learn to fend for himself using only a hatchet. The story follows Brian's struggle for survival as he faces various challenges and learns important life lessons.

What was brians biggest problem in chapter 8 in brians winter?

In chapter 8 of "Brian's Winter", Brian's biggest problem was hunting food to sustain himself during the harsh winter. He faced challenges with finding and catching enough food to survive, as well as dealing with cold weather and limited resources.

Who is brian going to visit in hachet?

He is going to visit his father in the Canadian oil fields because his parents are getting divorced and he is now going to spend his vacations with his father.

What happened to Brian at the end of chapter 3 in hachet?

At the end of chapter 3 in "Hatchet," Brian successfully ignited a fire with the help of his hatchet and some dry grass. This fire serves as a turning point as it marks his ability to survive and adapt in the wilderness.

What mistake did Brian make when he drink too much water in the book hachet?

Brian made the mistake of drinking from the lake without boiling or purifying the water, leading to him experiencing severe cramps and vomiting. The water contained harmful bacteria which made him sick.

Who were the main characters in Hachet?

The main character in the book "Hatchet" is Brian Robeson, a 13-year-old boy who survives a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness. Other characters that appear in the story include Brian's parents, the pilot of the crashed plane, and various animals that Brian encounters while trying to survive.

What is the problem in the novel Brian's winter?

Brian does not know how to get home

What are one of the first days that Brian experienced in hachet?

On his first day in the Canadian wilderness in the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, Brian tries to create shelter, find food, and deal with his overwhelming emotions of fear and loneliness. He also discovers the importance of staying calm and resourceful in order to survive.