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Brian made the mistake of drinking from the lake without boiling or purifying the water, leading to him experiencing severe cramps and vomiting. The water contained harmful bacteria which made him sick.

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Q: What mistake did Brian make when he drink too much water in the book hachet?
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Why did Brian drink the lake water?

Brian was really dehydrated so he drank the lake water.

Where does brain landed in the book hachet?

he lands in the water

In Hatchet why did Brian establish a shelter near the lake.?

Brian established his shelter near the lake, because he knew that he could drink water from the lake and that the lake was the only place he knew where there was water.

How did Brian used spear in Hatchet?

Brian used the spear he made by sharpening its point against a rock and attaching it to a stick to catch fish for food. He learned to aim and throw the spear accurately to pierce the fish in the water. This skill and tool were essential for his survival in the wilderness depicted in the book "Hatchet."

In the book Hatchet what made Brian go all the way on a log to get his drink?

Brian was motivated to go all the way on a slippery log to retrieve his drink because he was extremely thirsty and desperate for water. He had no other source of water available and knew that he needed to stay hydrated to survive in the wilderness.

Why did Brian get sick after drinking the water in the book hatchet?

Brian got sick after drinking the water because it was contaminated with bacteria or parasites from the animal feces near the water source. The impurities in the water caused him to develop diarrhea and become severely dehydrated.

What do blue belly lizard drink?

they drink water.

What do people in kenya drink?

Water, coffee and in the summer, when there is no water to drink, they drink porcupine urine.

What do Snow Leopards drink?

snow leopards drink water but i don't which water they drink i think it is spring water

What does a warrior cat drink?

They drink water from the lake.

Why does a kangaroo not drink water in its lifetime?

They do drink water.

Drink more water.?

Drink more water.