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Q: How does California use natural biotic factors as a part of their sewage treatmeant?
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Are producers abiotic factors or biotic factors?

Producers are biotic factors

Is moisture a biotic factor?

Yes,moisture is a biotic factor. Biotic factors are those which effect the living organisms in the environment.They are natural & environmental factors & moisture is one of them.As it effects the surrounding environment & climate/temperature.

Does a community have biotic and a biotic factors?

No, a community is all the biotic factors in an ecosystem.

What are the two types of factors that an ecosystem has?

2 factors are abiotic and biotic factors. Abiotic factors are nonliving things and biotic factors are living things

Is there presence of biotic factors on Jupiter?

No there are no biotic factors on Jupiter.

Are algae abiotic factors or biotic factors?

All living things are biotic factors.

Are biotic factors living?

Biotic - Living factors Abiotic - Non-living factors

Are producers and consumers abiotic factors or biotic factors?

Producers and consumers are biotic factors.

What are the abiotic and biotic factors of the corn snake?

Abiotic factors are living things like predators, prey, and bushes so three abiotic factors could be, coyotes, mice or bushes. Biotic factors are non-living things. Three biotic factors could be, rocks, water, and sunlight. These things are all natural but another biotic factor could be something un-natural like plastic someone has thrown away or any other non-biodegradeable items.

plankton biotic factors or abiotic factors?

plankton have a biotic influence

What are the biotic factors in the lion's ecosystem?

biotic factors in a lions ecosystem:zebrasgazellesgiraffesflieshippostreesbushesgrass

Which factors are biotic?

biotic factors would be trees, dead animals, flowers, leaves, and other plants