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Q: How does Cassio try to get back into good standing with Othello?
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Othello - What was Cassio's relationship with Othello before the beginning of the play?

They had a good relationship - Othello trusted Cassio and Cassio respected Othello

How does Iago get back in Othello's good graces?

Iago tells Cassio that he must persuade Othello to reinstate him. He says "the general's wife is now our general" and so the best way to persuade Othello is to get Desdemona to plead on Cassio's behalf. Since Iago has also told Othello that Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair, the harder Desdemona pleads, the worse it is going to look for both her and Cassio.

How does iago manipulate cassio after the lieutenant's humiliating dismissal?

He tells him that the best way for him to get his place back is to get Desdemona to plead with Othello, which would probably be good advice if Iago had not at the same time suggested to Othello that Desdemona was having an affair with Cassio. Because of Iago's suggestion, Desdemona's concern for Cassio looks like confirmation of her having an affair with him.

What advice does Desdemona ask of Iago HOW DOES HE RESPOND?

Desdemona is not at all successful although she tries really hard. Unfortunately Iago has set things up so that the harder she pleads the more Othello thinks she must be doing so because he is her lover, and the less likely he is to grant her request. It was a lost cause from the start.

What did Iago do well in the play Othello?

He is very good at conning people into doing what he wants them to do and thinking what he wants them to think. This is not just Othello, but also Roderigo, and Cassio, and Emilia, and anyone else he comes in contact with. He manipulates them, and they love him for it.

What is a summary of Othello?

Othello is a General that lives in Italy(Venice), but is a Moor. Traditionally that means he is black while everyone else is white. He is very respected and marries on of the leading families daughters. Iago is one of his most trusted lieutenants, but after great victories Othello decides to promote someone else. Iago then begins a scheme to get power. First he brings down his other rivals for power. Then he seeks revenge on Othello. To do so he starts scandals almost on a whim and makes everyone distrust one another. Including Othello and his wife. Side note: Othello has epilepsy and no one must know or they will think him weak or possesed. Iago forces Othello to smother his wife and all of his rivals to die, yet in the end He loses his own life in his web of lies. One of the most Ironic things about Othello is Iago the most wicked liar coins the term (I wear my heart upon my sleeve.) Meaning he does not decieve. Iago makes the top ten most evil fictional villains ever.

Why does Iago say he loves Desdemona?

This is one of those things that people debate about endlessly, like whether Hamlet was really crazy. Even Iago, who talks to us a lot during the play, does not seem to be sure why he hates them so much. It could be a lot of factors, such as: 1: Iago is a chauvinist and hates anyone not born in Venice (as neither Othello or Cassio is) 2: Iago believes that he is entitled to a higher place in the army because of his background and resents Othello and Cassio who have their positions based on merit. 3: Iago believes that Cassio was not promoted on merit and resents him as a mere paper-pusher and resents Othello for promoting him. 4: Iago believes that Othello has slept with Emilia. 5: Iago is secretly in love with Desdemona and resents the fact that she seems to like both Othello and Cassio better than him. 6: Iago is secretly in love with Othello, and resents the fact that he seems to love both Cassio and Desdemona better than him. 7: Iago secretly believes that nobody loves him, because he is unlovable, and hates anyone who seems to be loved by another.

What is the rising action of Cinderella?

Othello -( A play of love turned into tragedy due to jealousy) Act 1 : Exposition Iago had a conversation with Rodrigo about the position he thinks he deserves as Cassio. Act 2: Rising Action Othello appointed Cassio as Leutenant. Iago was so upset about it, because he really wants that position but unfortunately he doesnt get it. Due to the position that he doesnt get. He decided to take a revenge by Othello Act 3 : Climax Iago uses Othellos weakness in love to take revenge of him. Iago planted a seed of doubt to Othellos mind. That is by mentioning that he saw Cassio using the Handkerchief that he gave Desdemona as a gift. Act 4 Falling Action Othello was convienced that Desdemona and Cassio had a Relationship. He commanded Iago to kill Cassio Act 5 Catastrophe Iago killed Roderigo unexpectedly and Cassio was just wounded, Iago killed his wife Emilia, because he was affraid that Emilia will tell the truth to Othello and his life would be in danger. Othello ended Desdemonas life and afterwards he killed himself aswell. I hope it helps! Good luck

What does Othello mean when he say's my parts my title and my perfect soulshall manifest me rightly?

Othello proclaims that his good qualities, his legal status as Desdemona's husband and his innocence will protect him. He feels confident in standing before Desdemona's father and his friends.

'Othello' Who is lago using in the play and why?

Iago is using Othello in the play as a tool to enact his revenge and achieve his own selfish desires. He manipulates Othello's trust and insecurities to sow discord and jealousy, ultimately leading to tragic consequences for all involved.

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What are the universal themes in Othello?

== Some of the universal themes in William Shakespeare's Othello: The Moor of Venice. are (1)Jealousy has the power to destroy ex. Iago is upset because he didnt get the job he wanted so he wants to ruin Othello's life. (2) Hatred is often skin deep ex. Brabantio didn't want Desdamona to marry Othelle because he was Black. (3) People often act or fulfill their sterotypes ex. in the play they thought that non-white== unpure, evil, devil. Othello killed desdamona. (4) True love requires courage ex. Desdamona chose Othello over her father. (5) Bad things happen to good people ex. Desdamona never cheated on Othello but he thinks she did so he killed her. (6) Perception vs. Reality(things are not always how they seem) ex. Cassio is talking about Bianca but Iago makes it look like he is bragging about Desdamona in front of Othello. ==