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Iago tells Cassio that he must persuade Othello to reinstate him. He says "the general's wife is now our general" and so the best way to persuade Othello is to get Desdemona to plead on Cassio's behalf. Since Iago has also told Othello that Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair, the harder Desdemona pleads, the worse it is going to look for both her and Cassio.

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Iago suggests that Cassio should get Desdemona to plead for him. This will help Iago's plan to suggest that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio

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Iago tells him to get Desdemona to plead on his behalf.

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He suggests that the best way to get Othello's attention in by having Desdemona plead his case. "Our general's wife is now the general."

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Q: How does Iago get back in Othello's good graces?
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How does iago manipulate cassio after the lieutenant's humiliating dismissal?

He tells him that the best way for him to get his place back is to get Desdemona to plead with Othello, which would probably be good advice if Iago had not at the same time suggested to Othello that Desdemona was having an affair with Cassio. Because of Iago's suggestion, Desdemona's concern for Cassio looks like confirmation of her having an affair with him.

Who is the main character in Othello?

Othello is usually thought of as the main character in Iago. However a good case can also be made for Iago. Othello rarely soliloquizes or shares his thoughts with the audience, but Iago does. In a sense, while we despise him, we feel closer to him.

How does Othello plan to kill desdemona?

Iago says, "Do it not with poison. Strangle her in her bed, even the bed she hath contaminated." Iago's advice is to kill her in her bed, not to use the bedsheet (you could strangle someone that way, but that's not what Iago says). Othello responds with "Good, good! The justice of it pleases! Very good!"

What advice does Iago give the overwhelmed Othello?

When Othello is overcome with grief after hearing rumours of his wife, Desdemona, committing adultery, Iago tells him to seek revenge. Othello is convinced that she has hurt his honour and his good name therefore following Iago's advice. Othello suggests poisoning her so he would not soil her beauty (as Othello is battling with himself because he still loves Desdemona) but Iago suggests a far more ironic way of murder. To smother her in the bedsheets in which she committed the offence.

How do you xxplain why Iago is upset with Roderigo?

Guidance. Roderigo would like to get Desdemona's attention, but is too thick to figure out how to go about it, or to know when his cause is lost. Iago is full of ideas and advice which Roderigo wants to rely on.

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good graces ... do you mean

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If you're in someone's good graces, you're respected by them and they consider you to be a good person and a friend.

How does iago manipulate cassio after the lieutenant's humiliating dismissal?

He tells him that the best way for him to get his place back is to get Desdemona to plead with Othello, which would probably be good advice if Iago had not at the same time suggested to Othello that Desdemona was having an affair with Cassio. Because of Iago's suggestion, Desdemona's concern for Cassio looks like confirmation of her having an affair with him.

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Othello -( A play of love turned into tragedy due to jealousy) Act 1 : Exposition Iago had a conversation with Rodrigo about the position he thinks he deserves as Cassio. Act 2: Rising Action Othello appointed Cassio as Leutenant. Iago was so upset about it, because he really wants that position but unfortunately he doesnt get it. Due to the position that he doesnt get. He decided to take a revenge by Othello Act 3 : Climax Iago uses Othellos weakness in love to take revenge of him. Iago planted a seed of doubt to Othellos mind. That is by mentioning that he saw Cassio using the Handkerchief that he gave Desdemona as a gift. Act 4 Falling Action Othello was convienced that Desdemona and Cassio had a Relationship. He commanded Iago to kill Cassio Act 5 Catastrophe Iago killed Roderigo unexpectedly and Cassio was just wounded, Iago killed his wife Emilia, because he was affraid that Emilia will tell the truth to Othello and his life would be in danger. Othello ended Desdemonas life and afterwards he killed himself aswell. I hope it helps! Good luck

Who is the main character in Othello?

Othello is usually thought of as the main character in Iago. However a good case can also be made for Iago. Othello rarely soliloquizes or shares his thoughts with the audience, but Iago does. In a sense, while we despise him, we feel closer to him.

How does Othello plan to kill desdemona?

Iago says, "Do it not with poison. Strangle her in her bed, even the bed she hath contaminated." Iago's advice is to kill her in her bed, not to use the bedsheet (you could strangle someone that way, but that's not what Iago says). Othello responds with "Good, good! The justice of it pleases! Very good!"

Why did iago leave roderigo at brabantio house?

Iago leaves Roderigo at Brabantio house because he was to appear a faithful friend to Othello, and it would not be good of him to be seen informing of his actions

Who is the child of Eurynome and Zeus?

The Charities, or the Graces were the offspring of Eurynome (daughter of Oceanus and Tethys) and Zeus. Traditionally, there were Three Graces, Aglaea ("Splendor"), Euphrosyne ("Mirth"), and Thalia ("Good Cheer").

What is the name of the Graces who attend Aphrodite?

Aglaea (Splendor), Euphrosyne (Mirth), and Thalia (Good Cheer)

Does Iago have a good case against Othello?

Not really. He's just jealous and a vicious social climber.

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Euphrosyne was the goddess of good cheer, joy, mirth and merriment. She was one of the Graces.

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It's "sucked up to someone," and it means to flatter them and try to get into their good graces.