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Iago leaves Roderigo at Brabantio house because he was to appear a faithful friend to Othello, and it would not be good of him to be seen informing of his actions

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Iago leaves Roderigo at Brabantio house because he was to appear a faithful friend to Othello

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Q: Why did iago leave roderigo at brabantio house?
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Did Iago leave roderigo at barbatio's house because he didnt want to be seen as being against Othello?

Probably, yes

What do Iago and Roderigo hope to accomplish by shouting insulting remarks about Othello and Desdemona under Brabantio's window?

They want Desdemona's father, Brabantio, to come out and kill Othello, because they know that Desdemona and Othello are getting illegally wedded. Iago hates Othello and wants him dead because Cassio gave Othello a position in the military that Iago believed he deserved.

What crime does iago commit?

He defrauds and then murders Roderigo.

What advice does iago give cassio?

to make cassio mad to he can get in a fight with him because cassio has a hot temper so iago tell this to roderigo to Othello could release Cassio of his position as lieutenant . Iago gets Cassio drunk in the night so after he is drunk Roderigo comes out and makes Cassio angry again so they get in a fight during they fighting some one goes and ring the bell to Othello could be awerd so Otello comes out of his room and he ask whtas going on so Montano tells him and Othello said that even thouhg as much he loves him he has to discharged him out of his position of lieutenant .

Is brabantio's warning to Othello an accurate or inaccurate prophecy?

When Brabantio warns the Moor, "Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see; / She has deceived her father, and may thee" it is merely foreshadowing at this point and nothing more. Certainly, she had betrayed her father, but she has shown she is very loyal in the process also. Brabantio knows nothing of Iago's machinations and he even thought that it was spells and witchcraft that had stolen his daughter. Desdemona telling Brabantio that it was her choice probably just made him very furious. It cannot be argued that it was accurate or inaccurate-Brabantio was merely lashing out to assuage his anger.

Related questions

Who is brabantio and why does iago and roderigo awaken him in the middle of the night?

Brabantio is Desdemona's father. Iago and Roderigo wake him to tell him that Desdemona is running off with Othello. Using filthy and racist language, Iago hopes to anger Brabantio against Othello, which he does.

How does Brabantio attitude toward Roderigo change?

Brabantio is wakened by Iago and Roderigo making a lot of noise in the street. He sees Roderigo, who identifies himself, but does not see Iago, who is making foul-mouthed suggestions like "an old black ram is tupping your white ewe." Roderigo has been courting Desdemona and although Brabantio has turned him out of the house he keeps on hanging around like a stalker. Brabantio doesn't like him already and likes him less for waking him up with scurrilous suggestions. This all changes when Brabantio finds out that his daughter has in fact disappeared. Then he turns to Roderigo for help in finding her, which Roderigo is happy to supply. By the end of the scene, he is "good Roderigo" to Brabantio.

What is the relationship between Iago and Roderigo?

Iago gets him to identify himself as the hooligan shouting in the street to Brabantio. It is of course Iago who is guilty of the most crude and vile comments, but Roderigo is is 'fool' and takes the blame.

In othello why does iago sneak off so quickly after talking to brabantio?

Iago needs to uphold his reputation as "honest Iago" - as such, he cannot be seen creating a disturbance outside Brabantio's house, who happens to be a member of the Senate. Venice prided itself in being civilised so a public disturbance such as the one created by Iago and Roderigo would have been frowned upon and very damaging to Iago's image.

Did Iago leave roderigo at barbatio's house because he didnt want to be seen as being against Othello?

Probably, yes

Which characters in Othello make an issue of Othellos race?

Iago, Brabantio and Roderigo. Nobody else seems to care. And probably Brabantio is the most intolerant--he will have Othello over to supper but he wouldn't want him to marry his daughter. Roderigo wouldn't care except that they are rivals for Desdemona and Roderigo will throw any dirt that might possibly stick at Othello. Iago's position is mysterious, but whatever his motive for disliking Othello (and who knows, race might be a part of that), he is sure prepared to make an issue of Othello's race around the racist Brabantio.

What do Iago and Roderigo hope to accomplish by shouting insulting remarks about Othello and Desdemona under Brabantio's window?

They want Desdemona's father, Brabantio, to come out and kill Othello, because they know that Desdemona and Othello are getting illegally wedded. Iago hates Othello and wants him dead because Cassio gave Othello a position in the military that Iago believed he deserved.

Why does Iago stab Roderigo in Shakespeare's Othello?

Iago has been systematically conning Roderigo out of his money, saying that he is using it to try to get Desdemona to dump Othello and go for Roderigo instead. Iago knows that Desdemona will never do this, and has been simply pocketing the money. Roderigo is starting to catch on, so Iago feeds him the same line about Cassio and Desdemona having an affair and sets Roderigo on to murder Cassio. His objective is to get rid of both of them. Roderigo does stab Cassio, who Iago takes for dead, so Iago kills Roderigo himself.

What was iagos reply to roderigo?

Roderigo and Iago have several long conversations in which Iago responds to Roderigo many times. The question needs to be more specific.

Who kills roderigo?


Who does Iago kill?


How would Iago gain from Roderigo's death?

Iago would get to keep the gifts Roderigo had sent to Desdemona that he had stolen