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Q: How does Charles Darwin's work help us today?
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Did Charles Darwin propose to Emma Wedgwood?

No, he didn't get around to proposing because he was to evolved with his work.

What was the name of Darwins famous book published in 1859?

the work on Darwins most famous work was called? is british animals

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How is Charles drews work used today?

Blood banking is still used today for people that have lost blood.

What is Darwins greatest scientific contribution?

Charles Darwin's greatest scientific contribution is his work on the Theory of Evolution. Without it, the fact that plants and animals evolved from its ancestors would not have been discovered.

Most famous work of Charles Dickens?

A Christmas Carol.Wich is still popular today.

How does Darwin's work help us today?

it doesnt

Who came up with the the idea traits are acquired from animals from their use or disuse?

Charles Darwin is the one usually associated with the theory of evolution, although that is a bit of a simplification. The basics of the idea had been tossed around by others before, and during Darwins work with it.

The work of which scientist caused controversy that still exists today-?

Darwin was the scientist that caused controversy that still exists today.

How do you authenticate artwork by Charles Willson Peale?

Any provenance that accompanies the art work will help. Only a valid appraiser or museum can authenticate the work.

What branch of science was Charles Darwin?

Charles Darwin was a biologist. He loved collecting beetles and he did (genetic, even though the world knew nothing of genes at the time) experiments with plants. He wrote work upon work on barnacles too. Today, he is famed for the Theory of Evolution.

How did Sir Charles Lyell's work help scientists?

by providing an understanding that most changes on earth's surface happen slowly