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Q: Was Mendel's work on inheritance published after Darwins lifetime?
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What well known process was important in developing both mendels and Darwins ideas?

artificial selection

What of Mendels conclusions is a necessary foundation for Darwins theory of natural selection?

There are alternate versions of a gene.

What experiment method did gregor Mendels use during his study of inheritance?

Gregor Mendels goal was to figure genetics

What was the purpose of mendels?

To determine if one trait could affect the inheritance of another trait

What Happened to Mendels papers when he died?

A scientist published his 'story' , theory.

What was the purpose of mendels expirements with dihybrid crossing?

to find out if traits could effect the inheritance of other traits

What aspect of Mendels background gave him the necessary tools to discover the laws of inheritance?

He had studied mathematics and probability.

How long after his results were published in 1865 was mendels work widely recognized?

problamatic fkljd

Did Mendel make a major contribution to the cell theory?

Yes. Gregor Mendels 3 Principals of Inheritance show the transmission of genetic traits.

Why is human height an expection to mendels principles of heredity?

Human height is governed by polygenic inheritance, which means that more than one gene determines a person's height.

How did mendels views on inheritance differ from the views of many scientists of his time?

Mendel called the more common traits "dominant" and the less common ones "recessive."-Sami. (:

Why were true-breeding pea Plant important for Mendels experiment?

True breeding plants were homozygous for all the characters expressed, hence inheritance of characters was better understood with the help of these plants.