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Charybdis is a Greek sea monster who sucks in the sea and spits it back out again.

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Q: How does Charybdis threaten ships?
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Explain how the monster charybdis threatens ships?

Charybdis was a sea monster whose enormous whirlpool threaten ships in the Strait of Messina, according to Greek mythology. The hero Odysseus had to travel through this area

What happens to ships that go near Charybdis?

Ships that go near Charybdis who is a sea monster are known to go into a huge whirlpool. Charybdis is a goddess of the tides with triple drawing expulsion.

Where did Charybdis Live?

Charybdis resided in the Strait of Messina off the coast of Sicily. She, with fellow monster Scylla, would cause ships to crash. Charybdis was seen as a giant whirlpool.

What was Charybdis's was?

Well Odysseus was a Greek explorer and Charybdis was a seamonster that sucked ships up at the entrance to the sea of monsters - You need to ask the question more clearly.

How the monster charybdis threatens ships?

She creates a giant whirlpool that sucks the sea in through a wide radius. Ships will be sucked in and desroyed.

What was Odysseus for charybdis?

Well Odysseus was a Greek explorer and Charybdis was a seamonster that sucked ships up at the entrance to the sea of monsters - You need to ask the question more clearly.

What danger do scylla and charybdis pose to Odysseus and his crew?

Both of them threaten to kill both Odysseus and his crew. However, there is no way past except to sail past at least one of them. Charybdis is the bigger danger, as it threatens to destroy the entire ship.

To be between Scylla and Charybdis?

This is basically the Ancient Greek equivalent of being between a rock and a hard place. Charybdis was a large whirlpool, and Scylla was a many-headed monster who snatched sailors off of ships and ate them.

What does Charybdis eat?

Charybdis swallowed everything near her, water, ships, animals, men, anything. However she did belch out everything some time later, so it's not sure if she actually ate things she swallowed.

Who threaten to attack the union for stopping one of their ships and taken prisoners?

The British.

What does Charybdis do in the Greek myth book?

Charybdis was a once beautiful naiad who took the form a bladder of a creature, whose face is all mouth and has flippers as arms and legs. In some variations of her myths, she is a whirlpool. She resided by Scylla and caused the wrecks of many ships.

Who is Charybdis in The Odyssey?

Charybdis: enormous and dangerous whirlpool