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Q: How does Darwin and lamarcks theories differ in explaining the same phenomenon?
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Whose theory stuck between Lamarck and Darwin?

lamarcks theory of natural selection was accepted as they believed in religion and didnt want to believe anything other than god created our planet. darwin believed in evolution and plants and animals develop without the aid of intelegent creater through natural selection. lamarcks believed animals changed to fit there habitat for eample a girrafe reached for tall tree's and eventually grew into tall necks. At this period of time niether lamarck are darwin new about genes and in that so came up with these theories. hope this helps xoxox

When it came to Darwin explaining the origins of variations within species?

Various evolutionary theories had already started to form when it came time for Darwin to publish On the Origin of Species. The book attracted interest on a national level and made arguments for "survival of the fittest."

What are the differences between Darwin's theory of evolution and conflicting theories?

It is no longer Darwin's theory, as Darwin has been dead about 130 years. There are no credible alternatives to the modern theory of evolution by natural selection. So, the differences is; the theory of evolution by natural selection is supported by myriad lines of converging evidence and explains the natural phenomenon that is evolution very well. The " conflicting theories " have no evidence supporting them and explain nothing.

What of these resulted from Darwin's theories?

All of the above

When were Charles Darwin's theories discovered?


What did Darwin's theories explain?

Genetic mutation

What is the proof behind Darwin's theories?


How Darwin's theories contributed to the development of Modernism?

Darwin's theories undermined traditional beliefs about humankind's origins and its place in the universe

What are the Theories of Charles Darwin?

Charles Darwin is known for his theory of evolution through natural selection, which suggests that species evolve over time through the process of adapting to their environment. He also proposed the theory of common descent, stating that all living organisms are related and share a common ancestor. Additionally, Darwin's theory of sexual selection explains how certain traits can be favored in mate selection and lead to evolutionary changes.

What did Darwin's theories have on on contemporary thought?

When Darwin's theories were originally published, they were immediately regarded as a threat to Christianity, and furious debate erupted, which has in various forms continued to this very day.

What effect did Darwin's theories have on thoughts?

When Darwin's theories were originally published, they were immediately regarded as a threat to Christianity, and furious debate erupted, which has in various forms continued to this very day.

What effect did Darwin's theories have on contemporary thought?

Darwin's theories of natural selection and evolution revolutionized contemporary thought by challenging religious beliefs and traditional views of creation. They laid the foundation for modern biology and the understanding of the diversity of life on Earth. His work also influenced fields beyond biology, such as psychology, anthropology, and sociology.