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Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are made from vegetable and other organic matter. These all took carbon dioxide from the atmosphere when they grew. They were all trapped and compressed, including their carbon, more than 300 million years ago.

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Q: How does Fossil Fuel formation remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?
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Related questions

Is carbon dioxide released by fossil fuel formation?

No, formation of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.Burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide.

How does burning fossil fuels affect the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

The burning of fossil fuels affects the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by increasing it.

How are people adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere's?

People are adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. I believe

How man contribute to the formation of the atmosphere?

Well I know that the atmosphere has carbon dioxide in it, and when we breath out we release carbon dioxide that could be then added to the atmosphere.

By what process is the carbon in fossil fuels released into the atmosphere?

Burning of the fossil fuels releases the carbon dioxide.

What process is the carbon in fossil fuels released into the atmosphere?

Burning of the fossil fuels releases the carbon dioxide.

What role does the combustion of fossil fuels have in the carbon cycle?

It increases the carbon dioxide in the oceans. It adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

What type of fuel releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

Diesel fuel, regular gas, and fossil fuels release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

What kind of energy is released when we use fossil fuels?

The energy comes out in the form of heat, which arises from the formation of chemical bonds between carbon in the fuel and oxygen from the atmosphere. The inescapable byproduct is carbon dioxide, which is dumped into the atmosphere.

What process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere acting as a carbon sink?

Other than photosynthesis, the formation of carbonates in the ocean traps carbon from the atmosphere.

How does burning less fossil fuels reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere?

When you burn fossil fuels to make enrgy, carbon dioxide is released. So, if you burn less fossil fuels, less carbon dioxide is released.

How does carbon get into the atmosphere?

Carbon gets back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide through the combustion of fossil fuels, and the cellular respiration of living things.