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George treats Lenny very well before he shoots him. He tells him to look off into the distance, and to imagine the farm that they're going to have. He also tells Lenny that he will get to tend the rabbits, and when Lenny is very happy and starts telling George that yes, he will get to tend the rabbits, George shoots him in the back of the mid-sentence. The rabbits and the farm are Lenny's last thought.

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George treats Lennie with care and guidance, looking out for him like a protective older brother. He tries to keep Lennie out of trouble and ensures his safety by guiding him in their journey together.

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He tells Lennie the story of their farm.

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Q: How does George treat Lennie before he shot him?
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What did george shoot Lennie with?

George shot Lennie with a luger pistol that he had taken from a fellow ranch worker.

Who shot Lennie in the back of the head?

George. After Lennie accidentally killed Curleys wife and went to hide in the brush (a place where George and Lennie agreed to meet in case of trouble) Curley and the guys set out to kill Lennie for what he did. George, not wanting Lennie to die like that, told Lennie the story of the house they planned on having. while telling Lennie he shot him in the back of the head.

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By the end of the book, Lennie is shot and dies by the hand of George.

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The shot of George implies that he is feeling conflicted or frustrated about their situation. It suggests that he may be contemplating their future and the challenges they face, causing him to pause in his conversation with Lennie.

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George shot Lennie in the back of the head to spare him from a more brutal death at the hands of a vengeful mob. It was a difficult decision for George, who wanted to prevent Lennie from suffering and to protect him from further harm.

How do Slim and Carlson react when they find out that Lennie has been shot?

Slim is understanding and sympathetic, offering George support and reassurance. Carlson is more concerned with the inconvenience and suggests George should have shot Lennie himself to avoid further trouble.

What lie does George tell about the way Lennie died?

George tells the other ranch workers that Lennie stole the gun and accidentally shot himself while trying to escape. He does this to protect Lennie's innocence and spare him from facing a violent death at the hands of Curley and his men.

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The men think Lennie is armed because George tells them that Lennie has a gun. George does this to create the illusion of danger in order to protect Lennie from the other men on the farm who may want to harm him.

What evidence is there that George is having a terribly difficult time bringing himself to shoot Lennie?

There is textual evidence in "Of Mice and Men" where George expresses his reluctance to shoot Lennie, hesitating several times before finally going through with it. Additionally, George's emotional turmoil and the way he tries to comfort Lennie and reminisce about their dream before the act suggest the internal struggle he is facing.

What happened to Lennie in 'Of Mice and Men'?

Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife by breaking her neck while trying to stop her from screaming. In fear of being lynched by an angry mob, George is forced to make the difficult decision to shoot Lennie to spare him from a more brutal death.

How did they react when they found out that Lennie got shot?

George is devastated and feels immense guilt for not being able to protect Lennie. The other ranch workers, particularly Slim and Carlson, react with shock and some understanding of George's decision to shoot Lennie. Curley reacts with anger and seeks revenge.

What are George's last words to Lennie in of mice and men chapter 6?

As always, George was solicitous of Lennie's welfare and protective of him. His intent was to send him to a better place, a place he'd never known, a place where they'd have the rabbits Lennie had always so yearned for in his gentle, infantile mind. George shot him then at the precisely right moment. --The Ern.