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it donsten i played it for 3 moths nothing went rong...

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Q: How does Habbo infect your computer?
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Does habbo infect your laptop?

No , habbo doesn't have any type of viruses.Hope I Helped =)Biblioteca13

Lmfao does habbo infect your PC with viruses?

No, not the original hotels. But if you are going to enter a Habbo Retro, then maybe...

How do you put Habbo on your computer?

Go, and sign up for an account - you now have Habbo on your computer.

How do stealth virus infect the computer?

The infect your computer by being undetected by your anti virus and posing as a harmless file.

Does Habbo crash your computer?

Yes it does crash your computer and it can break it completely!

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What do pop-ups do to your computer?

infect it

Can an infected USB memory stick infect a computer?

Yes, any thing that contains software and connects to your computer, that is infected, can and will infect it

Why wont other Habbo avatars appear on Habbo Hotel?

Its something called "Lagging". Lagging is when your computer or Habbo is slow and still needs loading up.

What is a good Habbo retro? does not give out or approve of the use of Habbo retro websites.When using them your expose your computer to risk and you can jepordize your account with Habbo. (It is a permanent ban for Terms of Service on Habbo Hotel).

How to solve if a computer infect by computer virus?

Get yourself a good antivirus.

What is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer?

Virus and worms.