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Q: How does Jamaican food reflect on culture?
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What was the impact of the Europeans on the Jamaican culture?

The impact of the Europeans on the Jamaican culture can be seen in various aspects. Some of them include language, education systems and arts among others.

What kind of ring would represent Jamaican culture?

Although Jamaican culture is rich in symbolism, there are a few that stand out as perfect representations of Jamaican culture and would fit beautiful in a ring design. The best, perhaps, is the royal lion symbol that has become synonymous with Jamaica, the lion who roars against injustice. Another symbol that is popular amongst the Jamaican people when it comes to jewelry is a profile relief of Hailie Salassie, the late King of Ethopia and symbol of the Rastafarian movement. Although if you prefer a less specific representation of the Jamaican culture, you could always chose the ubiquitous "peace sign" ring, which is an integral part of Jamaican culture.

What is a jamaican artifact?

A Jamaican artifact is any object made or modified by a human culture found in Jamaica.

How do texts relate to their contexts and reflect the society and culture in which they were created?

Text relate to their context and reflect the society and culture in which they were created in the abbreviations used and their language patterns. Another way they reflect the society and culture is by using culture specific references.

What is jamaican favorite type of food?

All Jamaican people don't have the same type of food. My family is Jamaican and there are foods that they talk about frequently due to culture but they don't all have the same favorite foods. Although, the one food I've seen at almost every family gathering is curry goat or ox tail. Maybe even curry chicken, but I'd be willing to bet that curried _____ is NOT everyone's favorite. I can assure you it isn't mine.

What origins did the culture of colonial Virginia reflect?

The English culture

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English Culture

What is Jamaican culture?

ox tail curry chicken stew chicken

How do you say peace in jamaican?

i dont know anything about jamaicans culture, but i want to know how you say peace in the jamaican way.and the way they dress .