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Java uses the least-abstract implementation of a method. If a method is called on an object, it searches the current object for an implementation. If no such implementation exists, Java looks to the object.super class for the method. It keeps searching up the superclass list until it finds a method or gets to the Object superclass and throws a NoSuchMethodException.

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6mo ago

Java uses a process called method dispatch, where the most specific version of the method is chosen at runtime. It starts by searching for a matching method in the class where the object is declared. If it finds a match, it will execute that method. If not, it will search the superclasses in the hierarchy until it finds a match or reaches the top of the hierarchy. If multiple methods with the same signature are found at the same level, a compile-time error occurs.

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Q: How does Java decide which method with the same signature to use when the method exists in several levels of a class hierarchy?
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