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Q: How does Jupiter being 5 in solar system effect it?
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What number is Jupiter from the solar system?

Jupiter is in the Solar System not away from it.

Where does Jupiter lie in solar system?

Jupiter is the 5th planet in our solar system.

Which of the planets in the solar system has the greatest effect on the earth and why?

Jupiter because it is so massive.

What is the second biggest planet in our solare system?

Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter being the largest, and Mercury being the smallest.

Which is the biggest planet out of our solar system?

Jupiter is the biggest planet in our Solar system.

Does Jupiter and mercury have stars in their solar system?

Jupiter and Mercury are in the same solar system that we are. That solar system has 1 star: the sun.

What is Jupiter's solar system?

Jupiter is a member of the star Sol's planetary companions.

Is the Solar System smaller than Jupiter?

No, the planet Jupiter lies within our Solar System.

Is it Jupiter or Saturn that comes after Mars in the solar system?

Jupiter comes after Mars in the solar system.

What is the name of the largest planet in the Solar system?

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. More than 1,300 Earths would fit inside Jupiter. What is Jupiter made of? Well Jupiter is made of gas, and is called a “gas giant”. It is covered with red, brown, yellow and white clouds. The cloud give an effect that seems if Jupiter had stripes. Jupiter is very windy. Faster than tornadoes.

Is Jupiter a big or small planet?

Jupiter is the largest found planet in our Solar System.

What is after the planet Jupiter?

In the Solar System Saturn is 'after' Jupiter.