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Q: How does Malcolm's tactic his soldiers cut branches for camouflage tie in with the apparition's?
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How do you use sentence in camouflage?

How do you use camouflage in a sentence?The soldiers used branches and leaves to camouflage their equipment.Some animals can camouflage themselves very well.

What is a good sentence for the word camouflage?

Soldiers use camouflage to remain hidden from enemy site.

Why don't Israeli soldiers wear camouflage?

Camouflage with differing shades of green does not work well when you are operating in a desert.

Did US soldiers wear camouflage in World War 1?


Why do they wear camouflage in the army?

Soldiers wear camouflage in the army to blend in with their surroundings and make it harder for the enemy to detect them. The camouflage helps to conceal their position and movement, increasing their chances of stealth and surprise during combat operations. Additionally, camouflage can help protect soldiers by making it more difficult for the enemy to accurately target them.

What does malcom order his soldiers to do while they are in birnam wood?

Malcolm orders his soldiers to cut down branches from Birnam Wood to use as camouflage while advancing towards Macbeth's castle, disguising their numbers. This fulfills the prophecy that Macbeth will be defeated when Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill.

Did soldiers wear camouflage during World War 1?

No, allied soldiers wore khaki uniforms (A shade of medium brown) and German soldiers wore blue/gray. -I believe the first to to wear camouflage were German paratroops in WW2.

Which is an example of camouflage?

An example would be green face paint used by soldiers in a forest.

How did the American expeditionary force prepare for war?

they had 127,000 soldiers by the end they had 800,000 soldiers from different branches

How did American expeditionary force prepare for war?

they had 127,000 soldiers by the end they had 800,000 soldiers from different branches

How do you use camouflage in a sentence?

The teen tried to camouflage her pregnancy by wearing loose fitting clothes. The soldiers wore camouflage gear to blend in with the jungle terrain. A little bit of make up helped to camouflage the scars on her face. Camouflage allows animals to hide from preditors. the prisoner tried to camouflage in the bushes to hide away from the cops.

Chaldon church haunted?

Yes it is. People having sex there at night are known to have seen apparitions which if they ignore are then said to be tapped on the shoulder by a man in a soldiers uniform.