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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that the purpose of life is to become more like God. They study scripture to learn more of the character and nature of God and devote their lives to serving God and keeping His commandments. This influences everything they do. It is common to hear Mormons explain that their religion is not a "Sunday religion", its a "lifestyle religion". Mormonism is a way of life, not just the name of the building you visit on Sunday.

For example, Mormons believe their bodies are created by God and that He has commanded us to care for them. For this reason they try to eat healthy, they avoid alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs as well as dress modestly and live chaste and sexually pure lives. In following the example of Jesus Christ they donate much of their time, money, and energy to serve the church and the community. They strive to be honest, humble, and patient.

You can check out the "Related Links" below to learn more about Mormon beliefs and how it affects their lifestyle.

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Q: How does Mormons beliefs affect the way the way they live?
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