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It loses a phosphate and one electron. Apex

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Q: How does NAD gain energy cellular respiration?
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How does NAD gain energy in cellular respiration?

it lose a hydrogen ion and one electron

An electron carrier used to transfer energy in cellular respiration?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or NAD+.

What are the electrons carriers in cellular respiration?

NAD+, (or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)

What is the role of fermentation in cellular respiration is to recycle?


Which electron carrier is used in the redox reactions in a cellular respiration?

NAD plus

Electrons are brought to the electron transport by what high energy electron carriers?

NADP if photosynthesis. NAD or FAD if cellular respiration.

Which carrier is used in the redox reactions in cellular respiration?

NAD plus

What molecules serve as intermediate electron carriers in the process of cellular respiration?

They can accept electrons and transfer mos of their energy to another Molecule.

What is the terminal electron acceptor in aerobic cellular respiration?

NAD+ is the first electron acceptor in cellular respiration (O2 is the final acceptor).

What terminal electron acceptors are used in anaerobic cellular respiration?

anaerobic cellular respiration has 3 different stages, and their final electron acceptors are: pyruvate oxidation- NAD+ Krebs cycle- NAD+, FAD+ electron transport chain- Oxygen

What is fermentation in cellular respiration?

Fermentation is used in anaerobic respiration. Fermentation is done to replenish NAD supplies so that glycolysis can continue making ATP in the absence of oxygen.

Describe the role of fermentation in the second stage of cellular respiration?

It frees up NADH to be used in glycolysis again.