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neptune is really big

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4th largest.

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Q: How does Neptune rate in terms of other planets in terms of sizes?
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The planet with the largest orbit?

Neptune is the planet that takes the longest time to orbit our sun, in terms of time taken and distance. Pluto and some other dwarf planets take longer, but these are not considered to be one of the eight major planets in our solar system.

Are the outer planets and dwarf plants much bigger than the inner planets and dwarf planets?

Yes. The four inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars and smaller than the four outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Earth is largest inner planet, and Neptune is the smallest outer planet. Neptune is around 14 times larger in terms of diameter than the Earth. The dwarf planets are all smaller than any of the actual planets.

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What comes after . Jupiter?

Saturn in terms of planets. The order of the planets, from the sun outward, goes: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, {Asteroid Belt}, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto( Not classified as a planet anymore)

What are the smallest to greatest planets?

In terms of size, the planets from smallest to greatest is as follows: Mercury (smallest), Mars, Venus, Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter (largest). Note that although Neptune has more mass than Uranus, it is smaller in size.

Which planets are there between the earth and the planet neptune?

The Solar System consists of eight planets and the sun. Between Earth and Neptune are the planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. The two planets Mercury and Venus are closer to the sun than the Earth.

How does Earth compare to the other outer planets in terms of size?

In terms of volume compared to the Earths volume; Jupiter = 1321.3 times bigger Saturn = 763.6 times bigger Uranus = 63.1 times bigger Neptune = 57.7 times bigger

How are Mercury and Neptune alike?

They share in common that they are both planets orbiting the same star.

How does Jupiter it rates terms of the other planets?

it farted

How does saturns mass rate in terms of the other planets?


How does Neptune rate among planets in terms of size?

Neptune is about 49500 kilometers in diameter. The radius of Neptune is about 15,000 miles or 24,000 km.

Describe your solar system in terms of the sun terrestrial planets and the gaseous planets?

The sun is made up of 74% hydrogen and 24% helium. It is also the center of the universe and the planets orbit around it. Those planets include terrestrial planets and gaseous planets. Terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. They are also the planets closest to the sun. Gaseous planets, or "Gas Giants" include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.