

How does Odysseus hurt cyclops?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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12y ago

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He had taken an enormous piece of timber was laying near Polyphemus' pen for his goats or something, he cut off a good piece and he and his men sharpened it to a hardened point by turning it round and round in the fire, when they had finished they had hidden it, by the time Polyphemus came back. There followed the same horrible feast as before. when it was over Odysseus filled a cup with his own wine that he had brought with him and offered it to Polyphemus. he emptied it with delight and wanted more, and Odysseus obliged him, when he finally fell into a drunken sleep Odysseus put the wood spear into a fire and headed the point and shoved it into Polyphemus' eye blinding him

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They poke him in his only eye and blind him.

Why did Odysseus hurt the Cyclops?

Polyphemus, the cyclops, had trapped Odysseus and his men in his cave, and was going to eat them. He had already killed and consumed four of Odysseus' men when Odysseus managed to get him drunk and put out his eye with a hot pointed stick.

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Odysseus blinds the cyclops with a sharpened spear. They escape by attaching themselves to the bottom of the sheep. The cyclops is feeling the ground but does not hurt the sheep because he loves them. So when the Cyclops feels the tops of the sheep, he lets them go, letting Odysseus and his men go in the process.

How does Odysseus believe he can hurt the cyclops worst?

Odysseus believes that not being able to see would hurt the cyclops the worst. He does not want to kill the cyclops because then nobody would be able to roll away the huge stone blocking the cave entrance. He decides that they must blind the monster.

What is Odysseus's biggest mistake with the cyclops?

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What name did Odysseus name the cyclops?

The cyclops was already named Polyphemus. Odysseus did not name the cyclops.

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Odysseus expects the cyclops to bear gifts to the travelers.

What symbolizes when Odysseus kills the cyclops?

Odysseus did not kill the cyclops Polyphemus.

What was the name of the cyclops blinded by Odysseus?

In the "Odyssey", Odysseus blinded the Cyclops Polyphemus with a red hot log.The cyclops that was blinded by Odysseus is Polyphemos.