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he says that he does not wanna go because he didnt know what the cyclops would do to him if he would kill him or not because the cyclpos wants Odysseus dead.

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Q: How does Odysseus react when circe tells him he must go to underworld?
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Who tells Odysseus of the problems at home in Ithaca?

A crow on Circe's island that Odysseus sends.

What Odysseus' men are turn into pigs?

Circe, the sorceress, turned Odysseus' men into pigs before becoming his lover.Circe

Does Odysseus speak with his mother in the underworld?

Yes, in Book 11 of the Odyssey, Odysseus speaks with his mother, Anticlea, when he visits the underworld. She reveals to him the current state of affairs in Ithaca and provides him with guidance.

What does Hermes tell Odysseus to do to defeat circe?

Hermes advises Odysseus to use the herb Moly to resist Circe's enchantments. He tells Odysseus to draw his sword and threaten Circe with harm if she attempts to bewitch him. Finally, he instructs Odysseus to make Circe swear an oath not to harm him before he agrees to her hospitality.

What does Hermes tell Odysseus will happen to him if he gives in to Circe's seduction?

If Odysseus goes to bed with Circe when she first asks, she will 'unman' him, that is, she will cut off his penis. Hermes tells Odysseus to first make Circe swear that she will do him no harm before he sleeps with her.

What does circe say when Odysseus asks for his men back?

Circe turns the men back and tells Odysseus to port his ship properly, and to hide their gear in some cave.

Who helps Odysseus survive circe trick?

Hermes, the messenger god, tells Odysseus how to resist Circe's magic and guides him on what he needs to do to overcome the enchantment.

How did Hermes affect Odysseus?

Two instances: 1. When Odysseus is on the island of Calypso, Hermes comes as a messenger to persuade Calypso let Odysseus go. 2. Hermes gives Odysseus advice on how to avoid danger from Circe and how to get his men back from her. He gives Odysseus a magical plant to protect Circe from her charms, tells Odysseus to pretend to want to kill Circe after she tries to cast her spell, and warns Odysseus not to sleep with Circe before she has promised to do no harm to him.

What did Hermes give to Odysseus?

Hermes gave Odysseus several things: 1. A chance at escaping back to Ithaca when he tells Calypso to free Odysseus. 2. A sprig of Moly to resist Circe's magical charms. 3. Advice to Odysseus on how to defeat Circe.

How does Odysseus defeat Circe?

Odysseus defeats Circe by following the instructions given to him by Hermes, the messenger god. Hermes tells Odysseus to eat a special herb called moly to protect himself from Circe's magic. With this protection, Odysseus is able to resist Circe's spells and convince her to free his men and help them on their journey back home.

How is Odysseus able to negotiate with Circe the safe return of his men?

Hermes warns Odysseus before his encounter with the enchantress Circe, and gives Odysseus a magical herb to protect him from Circes' spells, as well as exact advice as to what to do. Circe tries to turn Odysseus into a pig but fails. Odysseus rushes Circe with his sword, but she acquiesces, and tries to bed Odysseus. Odysseus commands her to swear an oath to do him no further harm, and after she has, he beds her. Afterwards he refuses to eat, and explains he cannot until he sees his men. Circe retrieves them (as animals), and administers a drug to turn them back into normal. Odysseus tells his men to return to the ship.

Who tells Odysseus what Circe did to his men?

Eurylochus tells Odysseus what has happened to the other 22 men. He did not eat the food as he suspected danger, so he was able to avoid the spell and run back to safety.