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I interpret E Tenebris as an apology for sins that Oscar Wilde had committed. The sins could include his homosexuality, but that is not definite. He speaks of standing in front of the throne of God, and he says that he will go to hell for the sins he has committed. Towards the end of the poem when it is evident that Jesus is being mentioned, he seems to have remorse for committing those sins when Jesus suffered and died to save us from them.

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Oscar Wilde uses biblical allusions in "E Tenebris" to explore themes of suffering, redemption, and morality. By referencing biblical stories and symbols, Wilde adds depth and complexity to his exploration of these themes, inviting readers to consider the interplay between the divine and the human experience. The use of biblical allusions also contributes to the poem's overall sense of mystery and introspection.

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Q: How does Oscar Wilde create meaning through biblical allusion in E Tenebris?
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