

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde is an Irish writer and poet famous for his only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, published in 1890.

141 Questions

What genres did Oscar wilde write with?

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Oscar Wilde wrote primarily in the genre of plays, with his most famous works being comedies such as "The Importance of Being Earnest" and "An Ideal Husband." He also wrote a novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray," which is a classic example of Gothic literature.

What traits are possessed by the little swallow in the happy prince story?

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The little swallow in "The Happy Prince" story is portrayed as loyal, selfless, compassionate, and brave. It sacrifices its own comfort and eventually its life to help others in need, showcasing its kind and generous nature.

How tall is Wilde Oscar?

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Oscar Wilde was around 6 feet 3 inches tall.

What is the materialism of this short story happy prince by Oscar Wilde?

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In "The Happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde, materialism is portrayed through the prince's initial focus on material possessions and wealth as symbols of happiness and success. However, as the story progresses, the prince learns the true value of compassion and selflessness, ultimately realizing that material wealth alone does not bring true fulfillment. The story critiques the superficiality of materialism and emphasizes the importance of empathy and kindness.

Where does Basil first meet Dorian Gray?

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Basil first meets Dorian Gray at a social gathering hosted by Lady Brandon at her house. Lady Brandon introduces them, leading to their initial encounter.

Who are the main characters of the happy prince by Oscar Wilde?

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The main characters in "The Happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde are a statue of a prince and a swallow. The story follows their friendship as they help the poor and needy in the city. The prince's selflessness and the swallow's loyalty drive the narrative.

What are some famous Oscar Wilde quotes?

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  1. "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
  2. "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance."
  3. "I have nothing to declare except my genius."
  4. "The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."

Are Oscar Wilde quotes public domain?

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Yes, most quotes from Oscar Wilde are in the public domain because he passed away over 100 years ago in 1900. This means that his works, including his quotes, can generally be used without seeking permission.

Who is sitting with Oscar Wilde in the statue in galway?

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The statue in Galway features Oscar Wilde sitting next to Eduard Wilde on a bench. Eduard Wilde was a composer and journalist from Estonia, but he is not related to Oscar Wilde. The statue is known as the "Oscar and Eduard Wilde Monument."

Why is the picture of Dorian Gray the only published novel by Oscar Wilde?

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"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is Oscar Wilde's only published novel because Wilde is better known for his plays, poetry, and essays. While the novel was well-received, Wilde gained more recognition for his other works, such as "The Importance of Being Earnest" and "The Happy Prince." Additionally, Wilde's reputation was tainted by personal scandal, which affected his ability to publish more novels.

What is the summary of the starchild by Oscar Wilde?

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"The Star-Child" by Oscar Wilde is a fairy tale about a beautiful child who is born to a cruel mother and a mysterious father. The child grows up to be vain and proud, and is eventually punished for his sins by being transformed into a hideous creature. Through his suffering, the Star-Child learns humility and compassion, and is ultimately redeemed.

Oscar Wilde wrote about what kind of selfish creature?

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Oscar Wilde wrote about the selfishness of humans, particularly focusing on the moral decay and vanity of society. His works often critique the self-absorption and superficiality of individuals in pursuit of personal gratification.

Did Oscar Wilde write one publish novel?

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Yes, Oscar Wilde wrote and published one novel, which is titled "The Picture of Dorian Gray". This novel was first published in 1890.

What did Oscar Wilde describe as the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable?

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Oscar Wilde described fox hunting as "the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable." This quote reflects his criticism of the practice and the extravagant lengths people would go to for such a frivolous pursuit.

Why Oscar Wilde wrote the devoted friend?

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Oscar Wilde wrote "The Devoted Friend" as a satirical tale highlighting the themes of selfishness, manipulation, and the true nature of friendship. Through the story, Wilde critiques societal values and consumerism while exploring the dynamics of a one-sided friendship between two characters, little Hans and the Miller.

Which writers influenced Oscar Wilde early in his life?

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Oscar Wilde was influenced by writers such as Walter Pater, John Ruskin, and William Morris in his early life. These writers shaped Wilde's views on art and aestheticism, which would become central themes in his own work. Wilde also admired the French Decadent writers, including Charles Baudelaire and Joris-Karl Huysmans, whose works further influenced his writing style.

Why did Oscar Wilde become a poet?

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Oscar Wilde was drawn to poetry because of his love for language and his desire to express his thoughts and emotions in a creative and artistic way. He found poetry to be a medium where he could explore his ideas about beauty, love, and society in a more vivid and imaginative manner. Wilde's poetry also allowed him to push boundaries and challenge societal norms through his unique and often provocative style.

What awards has Oscar Wilde won?

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Oscar Wilde did not win any major awards during his lifetime as an author and playwright. However, his works have received critical acclaim and have since become classics in English literature.

Why is prince called happy in happy prince by Oscar Wilde?

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In Oscar Wilde's "The Happy Prince," the prince is called happy because he is unaware of the suffering and poverty in his city. He is shielded from the harsh realities of life within the palace walls and is only exposed to the beauty and luxury of his surroundings. His happiness stems from his naivety and ignorance of the suffering around him.

Who did Oscar Wilde marry?

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Oscar Wilde married to Constance Lloyd in 1884

How do you cit the happy prince by Oscar Wilde for bibliography page?

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Wilde, O. (2007). "The Happy Prince." In The Complete Short Stories of Oscar Wilde, edited by John Sloan, 114-119. Ware, Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions.

How old would Oscar Wilde be today?

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Oscar Wilde was born on October 16, 1854, so if he were alive today, he would be 167 years old.

What do you think Oscar Wilde meant when he described the ghost as adopting the fourth dimension of space?

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When Oscar Wilde described the ghost as adopting the fourth dimension of space in his play "The Canterville Ghost," he likely meant that the ghost was able to move through physical barriers and interact with the living in ways beyond traditional three-dimensional space limitations, symbolizing his supernatural and ethereal existence. It reflects the ghost's ability to transcend conventional boundaries and hint at a deeper level of existence.

What is the irony in the happy prince short story by Oscar Wilde?

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When prince was alive,he lived happy and peaceful life....he does nothing when have life.....after death he came to know about the sufferings of common man....

Did Oscar wilde get Booker prize?

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No, Oscar Wilde did not receive the Booker Prize. The Booker Prize is a prestigious literary award that honors the best work of fiction written in the English language. Wilde was known for his plays, essays, and novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray," but he did not win the Booker Prize as it was established in 1968, long after his death in 1900.