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They act bipolar...hello its the same disease no matter what sign you are

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Q: How does Pisces act with bipolar?
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Is bipolar when you act totally different in a week?

Bipolar is when you act totally different in sometimes a minute! Bipolar is acting from 2 different "poles", hence bi polar- like happy & sad. I pray there is no mania involved!

Does Kat in Victorious have bipolar disorder?

No, because she is just act.

How does a female Pisces act?

Well we Pisces are very good actors. In everyday life we will act apon multiple personalitys (not far from the original) to interact with different type of people. But we will never act in a negetive way of hurting a person (only if you where born evil just might stay evil :S) If we lie and act in the process is very often that is for a good cause.

What star sign is 17th March?


What Zodiac sign has the fish as its symbol?

Pisces has the symbol of two fish, indicating its dual nature.

How does bipolar affect behavior?

Bipolar disorder can affect behavior by causing periods of elevated mood (mania) and depressive episodes. During manic episodes, a person may engage in risky behaviors such as reckless spending or drug use. Depressive episodes can lead to feelings of sadness, fatigue, and withdrawal from social activities.

What is Pisces season?

Pisces is winter.

Is shark Pisces?

If you mean is the star sign Pisces a fish, then yes.

Is March 20th, 2001 (07:15-07:17 AM) (Tucson, Arizona) Pisces or Aries?

I believe it is pisces because my Sister was born on March 20th 2001 and her Zodiac sign is Pisces... I am a pisces too uwu...

What is the match of Pisces?

The matches for a Pisces are any other water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, or another Pisces); or the opposite sign for a Pisces, Virgo

Which zodiac can be friends with Pisces?

The complimentary opposite sign to Pisces is Virgo. Pisces has a harmonious relationship with Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricaorn and Aquarius. Pisces has a difficult relationship with Gemini and Sagittarius. Pisces has a turbulent relationship with Leo and Libra.

How did Pisces get its name?

Pisces is the word fishes