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because it shows he didn't mean to, as he has a child like mind and also he likes to touch 'soft things' he gets carried away as he has done before, such as with the dog and with the mouse in his pocket back in chapter 1. Also shows sympathy because kills him because of it, George is suppose to be a father like figure which is why it comes as a shock. -if you adapt on that give quotes and more detail it basically is your answer :D

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Steinbeck shows sympathy to Lennie by portraying him as an innocent and mentally disabled man who does not fully comprehend the consequences of his actions. The author highlights Lennie's fear and confusion after realizing what he has done, as well as his desire to make things right despite his limitations. Through these portrayals, Steinbeck invites readers to empathize with Lennie's tragic situation.

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Q: How does Steinbeck shows sympathy to Lennie after he kill Curley's wife?
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What aspects of Lennie's character does John Steinbeck present in Chapter One?

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The fight between Lennie and Curley shows that Curley is aggressive, combative, and quick to assert his dominance. On the other hand, Lennie is portrayed as simple-minded and unintentionally destructive, reacting impulsively out of fear and self-defense rather than malice.

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Of Mice and Men dreams?

because many people lost there jobs and homes and thats what happened to george and lenny and thats why they were looking for a job and a place to stay.

What sneaky thing does Lennie try to do?

Lennie's Sneaky ThingsIn Steinbeck's novel 'Of Mice and Men' Lennie tries to do many sneaky things. For example, in Chapter 5 we read about the puppy he was given by Slim. While playing with the puppy in the barn Lennie accidentally kills it, and then tries to conceal this fact by hiding the body under some hay.

What does it mean when your girlfriend shows no compassion or sympathy during times when you are enduring difficulty?

That was uneducated. Thanks.

What do you think of Curley and the way he is presented in the novel?

Curley is portrayed in the novel as a pessimistic character through his violent actions. Especially the fight he has with the most innocent character of them all Lennie. Steinbeck uses Curley as a target to George when he fights with Lennie. Although Curley is marred to his wife it is evident that she doesn't have a name showing how Steinbeck uses her name as a type of possession to Curley. Curley initially has no power in the novel at all as his so called characteristics are outdone once slim is introduced to the novel showing how Steinbeck uses slim to foreshadow what Curley is really meant to be like. Curley is extremely arrogant especially the way he is introduced in the novel. the character himself bosses son is evil which shows how curley is presented badly in the novel.

How does curleys wife show that she is not as contemptible as she seems?

Curley's wife shows more depth and vulnerability than she first appears through her confession to Lennie about her loneliness and unfulfilled dreams. This moment reveals her longing for connection and understanding, humanizing her character beyond her initial flirtatious and attention-seeking behavior. Additionally, her tragic fate evokes empathy and highlights the oppressive nature of her circumstances on the ranch.